Artiklar Artiklar Children’s crying in play conflicts: A locus for moral and emotional socialization A Becoming, Humanist Child: An analysis of Learning and Care in the Swedish Curriculum for the Preschool (Lpfö 18) Preschool Children’s Play and Alignments in a Bracketed Framing of a Music-technological Breakdown ’I don’t even dare to do it’: problematising the image of the competent and musical child Barns ‘agency’ i lekresponsiv undervisning Temporal settings in kindergarten: a lens to trace historical and current cultural formation ideals? Unpacking the Emperor’s New Policies: How More Mathematics in Early Childhood Will Save Norway Building a Sustainable Future Through International ECE Partnership Programmes Målrettede sociale indsatser i dagtilbud – Kortlægning af litteratur og forskning samt kommunale erfaringer med praksis for samarbejde Han slår! - børnehavebørns fortælling om konflikter Att synliggöra det förväntade - förskolans dokumentation i en performativ kultur Learning about “Half”: Critical Aspects and Pedagogical Strategies in Designed Preschool Activities Children’s Doctor Games and Nudity at Danish Childcare Institutions From activity to transdisciplinarity and back again – preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals Trivsel i daginstitutionens hverdagsliv: et spørgsmål om det kropslige, kollektive og konfliktuelle Guidelines for preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Wrongful Allegations against Staff at Danish Childcare Facilities A Critical Analysis of Education for Sustainability in Early Childhood Curriculum Documents in China and Norway Teachers' involvement in children's mathematizing - beyond dichotomization between play and teaching Structuring versus counting: critical ways of using fingers in subtraction Learning to apologize: Moral socialization as an interactional practice in preschool Till de 20 föregående 1 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ... 69 Till de 20 nästa
A Becoming, Humanist Child: An analysis of Learning and Care in the Swedish Curriculum for the Preschool (Lpfö 18)
Målrettede sociale indsatser i dagtilbud – Kortlægning af litteratur og forskning samt kommunale erfaringer med praksis for samarbejde
From activity to transdisciplinarity and back again – preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals
Guidelines for preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Wrongful Allegations against Staff at Danish Childcare Facilities
A Critical Analysis of Education for Sustainability in Early Childhood Curriculum Documents in China and Norway