Artiklar Artiklar Individual children’s interactions with teachers, peers, and tasks: The applicability of the inCLASS Pre-K in Danish preschools Structural and Process Quality of Danish Preschools: Direct and Indirect Associations With Children's Growth in Language and Preliteracy Skills A cross-cultural study on technology use in preschool classrooms: early childhood teacher’s preferences, time-use, impact and association with children’s play Hverdagsmøtene mellom foreldre og ansatte i barnehagen – nok voksenrammer? Framtidsfantasier – Kampen om barnets bästa Familiar play: age-coded heteronormativity in Swedish early childhood education Språklig mestring, lek og sosial kompetanse hos de yngste barnehagebarna: en studie av variasjon og sammenhenger Managing the unmanageable: curriculum challenges and teacher strategies in multicultural preschools in Sweden Children’s play, well-being and involvement: how children play indoors and outdoors in Norwegian early childhood education and care institutions Normalitet i barnehagen: Ansatte og barns forventninger til det å «være normal» Teachers’ Roles in Preschool Children’s Collective Mathematical Reasoning Opportunities for and obstacles to science in preschools: views from a community perspective Opportunities for Education for Sustainability through multidimensional preschool science Technology education in preschool: providing opportunities for children to use artifacts and to create Förskolans teknikundervisning: vad och hur? Från komplexa frågor till konkret innehåll – hållbar utveckling ur ett förskoledidaktiskt perspektiv Being touched – the transformative potential of nurturing touch practices in relation to toddlers’ learning and emotional well-being Barnehagelæreres «matematikkundervisning» i barnehagen Preschoolers exercising mathematical competencies ’Jeg savner barnet mitt’. Møter mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagen Till de 20 föregående 1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ... 70 Till de 20 nästa
Individual children’s interactions with teachers, peers, and tasks: The applicability of the inCLASS Pre-K in Danish preschools
Structural and Process Quality of Danish Preschools: Direct and Indirect Associations With Children's Growth in Language and Preliteracy Skills
A cross-cultural study on technology use in preschool classrooms: early childhood teacher’s preferences, time-use, impact and association with children’s play
Språklig mestring, lek og sosial kompetanse hos de yngste barnehagebarna: en studie av variasjon og sammenhenger
Managing the unmanageable: curriculum challenges and teacher strategies in multicultural preschools in Sweden
Children’s play, well-being and involvement: how children play indoors and outdoors in Norwegian early childhood education and care institutions
Technology education in preschool: providing opportunities for children to use artifacts and to create
Being touched – the transformative potential of nurturing touch practices in relation to toddlers’ learning and emotional well-being