Artiklar Artiklar Interaction processes as a mediating factor between children’s externalized behavior difficulties and engagement in preschool ”I think it should be a little kind of exciting”: A technology-mediated story-making activity in early childhood education Leiing av læring i barnehagen – nasjonale retningsliner og lokale fortolkingar På mandager er det ikke lov med papirfly – en studie av regler og yrkesutøvelse Litterasitetsfremmende samtaler i barnehagen Technology education in preschool: providing opportunities for children to use artifacts and to create The contribution of different patterns of teachers’ interactions to young children’s experiences of democratic values during play Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys Naturmöten och källsortering – En kvantitativ studie om lärande för hållbar utveckling i förskolan Children’s Play and Teacher’s Playful Teaching: A Discussion about Play in the Preschool Class Förskollärares och grundskollärares uppfattningar om undervisning och lärande i förskoleklass ”Kalle, du kan ju läsa!”: Förskoleklasslärare synliggör förskoleklasselevers skriftspråksutveckling Information Sharing on Children’s Literacy Learning in the Transition From Swedish Preschool to School Samtals- och skriftspråksorienterade lärarledda aktiviteter i förskoleklass Religiøse spiseforskrifter i barnehagen. En kvalitativ undersøkelse om barnehagers strategier for tilpasning i møte med islamske spiseforskrifter Sharpening the Focus on Numbers and Counting: Preschool Educators Differentiating Aspects of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Förskollärares yrkeskunnande: Förskollärares erfarenheter av praktiskt handlande i pedagogisk verksamhet Caring for people and the planet: preschool children’s knowledge and practices of sustainability Rooms with gender: physical environment and play culture in kindergarten Young children’s imagination in science education and education for sustainability Till de 20 föregående 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ... 69 Till de 20 nästa
Interaction processes as a mediating factor between children’s externalized behavior difficulties and engagement in preschool
”I think it should be a little kind of exciting”: A technology-mediated story-making activity in early childhood education
Technology education in preschool: providing opportunities for children to use artifacts and to create
The contribution of different patterns of teachers’ interactions to young children’s experiences of democratic values during play
Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys
Information Sharing on Children’s Literacy Learning in the Transition From Swedish Preschool to School
Religiøse spiseforskrifter i barnehagen. En kvalitativ undersøkelse om barnehagers strategier for tilpasning i møte med islamske spiseforskrifter
Sharpening the Focus on Numbers and Counting: Preschool Educators Differentiating Aspects of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching
Förskollärares yrkeskunnande: Förskollärares erfarenheter av praktiskt handlande i pedagogisk verksamhet