Artiklar Artiklar Using digital technology in early education teaching: learning from teachers’ teaching practice with interactive whiteboard Putting Scaffolding Into Action: Preschool Teachers’ Actions Using Interactive Whiteboard Does transformational leadership stimulate user orientation? Evidence from a field experiment Young children's play: a matter of advanced strategies among peers Triadic conflict mediation as socialization into perspective taking in Swedish preschools Preschool environment and preschool teacher’s physical activity and their association with children’s activity levels at preschool Barnehager som konkurrerende virksomheter Barns rett til lek og utdanning i barnehagen Expectations and discourses in multilingual preschool mathematics: Case study of a teacher of immigrant background The Fabrication of Early Childhood Mathematics and the desired child in Sweden Universal preschool programs and long-term child outcomes: A systematic review Child care center quality and early child development Kollaborativt berättande med interaktiv skrivtavla i förskoleklassen – en multimodal historia Å styrke fysisk aktiv lek i barnehagen – evaluering av et intervensjonsdesign basert på en høy grad av personaldeltagelse Can Pre-Academic Activities in Norway’s Early Childhood Education and Care Program Boost Later Academic Achievements in Preschoolers at Risk? Å begynne i barnehagen – små barns prosess Children’s touch in a Swedish preschool: touch cultures in peer group interaction Changing the framing of play in times of increased emphasis on readiness Att tillägna sig skriftspråkliga verktyg genom att leka affär Protecting interactional spaces: Collusive alignments and territorial arrangements of two-against-one in girls’ play participation Till de 20 föregående 1 ... 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ... 69 Till de 20 nästa
Using digital technology in early education teaching: learning from teachers’ teaching practice with interactive whiteboard
Preschool environment and preschool teacher’s physical activity and their association with children’s activity levels at preschool
Expectations and discourses in multilingual preschool mathematics: Case study of a teacher of immigrant background
Å styrke fysisk aktiv lek i barnehagen – evaluering av et intervensjonsdesign basert på en høy grad av personaldeltagelse
Can Pre-Academic Activities in Norway’s Early Childhood Education and Care Program Boost Later Academic Achievements in Preschoolers at Risk?
Protecting interactional spaces: Collusive alignments and territorial arrangements of two-against-one in girls’ play participation