Barnehagen–en lærende organisasjon? Styreres forståelser av en lærende organisasjon og kjennetegn ved en lærende barnehage.

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Wadel, C. C., Knaben, Å. D.


The study explores the coordinators' views on what a learning kindergarten organisation is, what type of learning should take place in kindergarten, and characteristics of a learning kindergarten. To better understand this, the study investigates the coordinators' understanding of the concept and what they believe is important for learning in kindergarten. The research question is: What are the characteristics of a kindergarten as a learning organisation based on the coordinators’ understanding?


The results show that kindergarten coordinators have varying perceptions of what a ‘learning organisation’ entails. The coordinators regard shared reflection as essential for a learning kindergarten, with staff meetings as a key arena for reflection. However, the kindergartens experience challenges in reflecting on their own daily practice, which the researchers behind the study believe limits their ability to develop as learning organisations.


The data material consists of semi-structured interviews with five coordinators from different kindergartens in the same municipality. The interviews, which lasted between 45 minutes to just over an hour, highlighted the coordinators' understanding of a learning organisation and what characterises such a kindergarten.


Wadel, C. C., & Knaben, Å. D. (2021). "Barnehagen–en lærende organisasjon? Styreres forståelser av en lærende organisasjon og kjennetegn ved en lærende barnehage". Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 105(4):397-408.