Flerstämmig undervisning i förskola: Flerstämmig didaktisk modellering.

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Vallberg Roth, A. C., Aasa, S., Ekberg, J. E., Holmberg, Y., Sjöström, J., Stensson, C.


The report presents the research component of the Multivocal teaching in preschools (Fundif) research and development programme, which aims to describe and further develop teaching in preschools through collaboration between preschool teachers, preschool coordinators and researchers. The study seeks to understand teaching in relation to scientific basis and practice.


The report shows how teaching in preschools can be improved through collaboration and theory-informed approaches. It introduces ‘multivocal didactic modelling’. The results indicate that participants improved their academic language, professional judgment and use of scientific knowledge.


The research component was conducted in eight Swedish municipalities between 2018 and 2021 and included 40-44 preschools/preschool departments. Over 10,000 people, including children, parents and preschool staff, participated in the study. The researchers used a ‘praxiographic collaboration method’ involving theory-informed teaching programmes. These programmes combined didactics with different approaches to content and learning, including variation theory, poststructuralist and pragmatic approaches. The research material included co-planning, co-assessments and video recordings from teaching situations.


Vallberg Roth, A. C., Aasa, S., Ekberg, J. E., Holmberg, Y., Sjöström, J. & Stensson, C. (2021). "Flerstämmig undervisning i förskola: Flerstämmig didaktisk modellering". (Ifous rapportserie 2021:4) Vetenskaplig slutrapport från Ifous forsknings- och utvecklingsprogram Flerstämmig undervisning i förskolan.


Malmö University, Sweden. Enskede-Årsta-Vantör Municipality, Eslövs Municipality, Jönköping Municipality, Katrineholms Municipality, Skurups Municipality, Staffanstorps Municipality, Vallentuna Municipality and Örebro Municipality, Sweden.