Associations between children’s risky play and ECEC outdoor play spaces and materials.

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Sandseter, E. B. H., Sando, O. J., Kleppe, R.


The study investigates how outdoor play areas in kindergartens affect the prevalence of risky play among children. The research question is: In what way are outdoor playgrounds and materials in kindergartens related to three- to five-year-olds' involvement in, and types of, risky play?


The results showed that risky play was positively associated with fixed equipment for functional play, nature and other fixed structures. Furthermore, risky play was positively associated with wheeled toys. Children participated in risky play for 13% of the observed time outdoors in kindergarten, and engaged in six out of eight risk categories, indicating varied interests and opportunities. These findings suggest that children take advantage of the available environment and equipment for risky play.


The study is part of the EnCompetence project, which explores free play in kindergartens. Eight different kindergartens participated, with outdoor areas varying from small, paved sites to large natural areas. A total of 80 children, with an average age of 3.8 years, were observed in 935 two-minute videos. Although each playground was unique in size and natural features, all had fixed play equipment such as swings and slides.


Sandseter, E. B. H., Sando, O. J. & Kleppe, R. (2021). "Associations between children’s risky play and ECEC outdoor play spaces and materials". International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(7):3354.


The Research Council of Norway, Norway