Korleis blir det arbeidd med utvikling av smakspreferansar i barnehagen? Ein kvalitativ intervjustudie i seks barnehagar.

Ryslett, K., Håberg, L. I.


The study investigates how pedagogical leaders in kindergartens work with meals to promote the development of children's taste preferences, in the sense of liking and accepting different foods.


The results point to the use of the strategies 'adaptation', 'exposure' and 'social learning', while 'energy enrichment and taste bridges' are absent. The results also show that children get to explore and experiment with different flavours during the mealtime, but a lot of use of bread-based meals can lead to little variation in diet for some.


The data material consists of focus group interviews in six different kindergartens in Norway, with a total of 21 pedagogical leaders and two kindergarten coordinators.


Ryslett, K., & Håberg, L. I. (2021). “Korleis blir det arbeidd med utvikling av smakspreferansar i barnehagen? Ein kvalitativ intervjustudie i seks barnehagar”. Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring, 19(4):6-12.