Pedagogical documentation and systematic quality work in early childhood: Comparing practices in Western Australia and Sweden.

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Lee-Hammond, L., Bjervås, L.-L.


The study explores how to interpret the concept of ‘quality’ in Swedish and Australian kindergartens.


The comparison of policy documents indicates that in Swedish kindergartens, the entire kindergarten environment (kindergarten teachers, materials and interaction, not the children) is expected to be responsible for the quality objectives, while in Australia, children are expected to achieve these goals with the support of the kindergarten teachers. The study shows that the different systems affect the lifeworld of kindergarten teachers and children.


The researchers analysed relevant policy documents from Australia and Sweden. Furthermore, the study included six kindergarten teachers from each of the two countries. These teachers participated in interviews where they were asked how they use pedagogical documentation as part of quality work in kindergartens.


Lee-Hammond, L. & Bjervås, L.-L. (2021). "Pedagogical documentation and systematic quality work in early childhood: Comparing practices in Western Australia and Sweden". Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 22(2):156–170.