Børns involvering i pædagogisk udvikling og forskning. Case: Overgangen fra børnehave til skole.

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Krogstrup, H. K., Schürer, M. H.


The purpose of the study is to present the potential of involving children as co-researchers in research and/or development projects, as well as the pitfalls that this type of research entails.


The researchers highlight important methodological and ethical considerations in connection with the involvement of children in research projects, including obtaining consent from the children and facilitating the children's roles and contributions in the process. The researchers highlight a critical challenge when children are involved as co-designers and co-researchers in projects: the risk of superficial involvement, known as tokenism. Being aware of this challenge can prevent children from feeling they are contributing meaningfully, when in reality they only support a predetermined research result.


The study is qualitative and uses a mosaic approach, which means that the data material is collected in several different ways, including interviews, conversations, drawing, observation, role play and photography. This approach allows the active involvement of children on their own terms by offering them different participation opportunities.


Krogstrup, H. K. & Schürer, M. H. (2021). “Børns involvering i pædagogisk udvikling og forskning. Case: Overgangen fra børnehave til skole”. Kognition & pædagogik, 31(119):52-63.