A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children.

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Keles, S., Munthe, E., Ruud, E.


The study collects and summarises research on interventions in kindergartens that aim to promote social inclusion of children with immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds. The research question is: What are the common elements in interventions for social inclusion of kindergarten children with immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds? More specifically, the researchers wanted to investigate what constitutes common elements in effective or ineffective interventions for social inclusion of kindergarten children with immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds, and what recommendations can be made to strengthen the social inclusion of these children.


Four key themes emerged across the included studies: (a) a strengths-based approach, not a deficiency-based approach; (b) the involvement of family and society at large; (c) the importance of cultural bridging; and (d) the importance of contact between different groups to reduce prejudice and discrimination, and to improve social relations. The mapping shows that there is a lack of interventions that promote social inclusion of children with immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds in kindergartens. It also suggests that interventions aimed at parents and the local community can increase social inclusion among both immigrant children and children of Norwegian background.


After an extensive literature search in three relevant databases, seven studies were selected in accordance with predefined inclusion criteria. The data material from the included studies was compiled using thematic analysis.


Keles, S., Munthe, E. & Ruud, E. (2021). "A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children". International Journal of Inclusive Education, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2021.1979670.