Pædagogik i skyggen af corona: En kulturanalytisk undersøgelse af pædagogisk arbejde efter genåbningen af daginstitutionerne.

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Grumløse, S. P., Marschall, A., Prins, K.


The study investigates how Danish health authority guidelines for infection prevention during the corona epidemic affected daily life in kindergartens. The researchers investigate the changes, opportunities and challenges experienced by the teaching staff, as well as how the limitations affected everyday life in kindergartens and educational work. The research question is: How do hygiene measures and infection risk restrictions affect educational work with children aged zero to six?


The results of the study show that the health authority guidelines led to significant adaptations in kindergartens. These adaptations focused on being close to the children to create security, support their co-determination and motivation, as well as daily communication with parents. After the reopening, many experienced an ‘educational state of emergency’, but also a belief that together they could overcome the challenges. However, in November 2020, many teachers felt a persistent state of emergency, leading to feelings of powerlessness and fatigue due to constant adaptations.


The data material consists of several virtual focus group interviews with teachers from seven kindergartens, mainly in Zealand. In addition, the researchers interviewed kindergarten coordinators, as well as some educational consultants and parents.


Grumløse, S. P., Marschall, A. & Prins, K. (2021). "Pædagogik i skyggen af corona: En kulturanalytisk undersøgelse af pædagogisk arbejde efter genåbningen af daginstitutionerne". Dansk Paedagogisk Tidsskrift, 2021(2):52-66.