Artikler Artikler Microgenesis of language creativity: Innovation, conformity and incongruence in children's language play Triadic conflict mediation as socialization into perspective taking in Swedish preschools Children’s Laughter and Emotion Sharing With Peers and Adults in Preschool Emotion Socialization in Teacher-Child Interaction: Teachers' Responses to Children's Negative Emotions Stance and footing in multilingual play: Rescaling practices and heritage language use in a Swedish Preschool Enhantment in storytelling: Co-operation and participation in children’s aesthetic experience Madudbud i daginstitutioner 2018 Individual differences in response to a large-scale language and pre-literacy intervention for preschoolers in Denmark From foot to pencil, from pencil to finger: Children as digital wayfarers Värdeladdade utvärderingar – en diskursanalys av förskolors systematiska kvalitetsarbete Estimating the Consequences of Norway's National Scale-Up of Early Childhood Education and Care (Beginning in Infancy) for Early Language Skills Samspillskvalitet mellom ansatte og små barn (1-3 år) i norske barnehager (dagtilbud) Inte som i skolan – pedagoger positionerar naturvetenskap i förskolan Kommunikation i förskolan: Förskollärares och barnskötares kommunikation med föräldrar i ett digitaliserat medielandskap Music in preschool class: A quantitative study of factors that determine the extent of music in daily work in Swedish preschool classes Maneuvering suspicions of being a potential pedophile: experiences of male ECEC-workers in Sweden Systematikk eller tilfeldighet? Erfaringer fra et FoU-prosjekt om vurdering i barnehagen Betydningen af dagtilbudsarbejde med børn i naturen – En forskningsoversigt med fokus på nordisk litteratur undersøgt med sigte på danske forhold Teaching for the learning of additive part-whole relations. The power of variation and connections Is cognitive development at three years of age associated with ECEC quality in Norway? Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Microgenesis of language creativity: Innovation, conformity and incongruence in children's language play
Emotion Socialization in Teacher-Child Interaction: Teachers' Responses to Children's Negative Emotions
Stance and footing in multilingual play: Rescaling practices and heritage language use in a Swedish Preschool
Individual differences in response to a large-scale language and pre-literacy intervention for preschoolers in Denmark
Estimating the Consequences of Norway's National Scale-Up of Early Childhood Education and Care (Beginning in Infancy) for Early Language Skills
Kommunikation i förskolan: Förskollärares och barnskötares kommunikation med föräldrar i ett digitaliserat medielandskap
Music in preschool class: A quantitative study of factors that determine the extent of music in daily work in Swedish preschool classes
Betydningen af dagtilbudsarbejde med børn i naturen – En forskningsoversigt med fokus på nordisk litteratur undersøgt med sigte på danske forhold