Artikler Artikler Preschool Children’s Play and Alignments in a Bracketed Framing of a Music-technological Breakdown A Becoming, Humanist Child: An analysis of Learning and Care in the Swedish Curriculum for the Preschool (Lpfö 18) ’I don’t even dare to do it’: problematising the image of the competent and musical child Barns ‘agency’ i lekresponsiv undervisning Temporal settings in kindergarten: a lens to trace historical and current cultural formation ideals? Unpacking the Emperor’s New Policies: How More Mathematics in Early Childhood Will Save Norway Building a Sustainable Future Through International ECE Partnership Programmes Målrettede sociale indsatser i dagtilbud – Kortlægning af litteratur og forskning samt kommunale erfaringer med praksis for samarbejde Han slår! - børnehavebørns fortælling om konflikter Att synliggöra det förväntade - förskolans dokumentation i en performativ kultur Learning about “Half”: Critical Aspects and Pedagogical Strategies in Designed Preschool Activities Children’s Doctor Games and Nudity at Danish Childcare Institutions Trivsel i daginstitutionens hverdagsliv: et spørgsmål om det kropslige, kollektive og konfliktuelle Guidelines for preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Wrongful Allegations against Staff at Danish Childcare Facilities From activity to transdisciplinarity and back again – preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals A Critical Analysis of Education for Sustainability in Early Childhood Curriculum Documents in China and Norway Teachers' involvement in children's mathematizing - beyond dichotomization between play and teaching Structuring versus counting: critical ways of using fingers in subtraction Learning to apologize: Moral socialization as an interactional practice in preschool Quality in Norwegian childcare for toddlers using ITERS-R* Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
A Becoming, Humanist Child: An analysis of Learning and Care in the Swedish Curriculum for the Preschool (Lpfö 18)
Målrettede sociale indsatser i dagtilbud – Kortlægning af litteratur og forskning samt kommunale erfaringer med praksis for samarbejde
Guidelines for preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Wrongful Allegations against Staff at Danish Childcare Facilities
From activity to transdisciplinarity and back again – preschool teachers’ reasoning about pedagogical goals
A Critical Analysis of Education for Sustainability in Early Childhood Curriculum Documents in China and Norway