Artikler Artikler ”An Examination of the Role and Responsibilities of Kindergarten in Multidisciplinary Collaboration on Behalf of Children with Severe Disabilities”. ”Documentation and Communication in Swedish Preschools”. “The Educational Nature of Different Ways Teachers Communicate with Children about Natural Phenomena”. ”Exploring Letters in a Bimodal, Bilingual Nursery School with Deaf and Hearing Children”. “Mealtimes in Swedish preschools: Pedagogical opportunities for toddlers learning a new language”. From Doing to Learning: Changed Focus during a Pre-School Learning Study Project on Organic Decomposition. ”The Second-Language Vocabulary Trajectories of Turkish Immigrant Children in Norway from Ages Five to Ten: the Role of Preschool Talk exposure, maternal Education, and co-ethnic concentration in the neighborhood”. “Group size and organisational conditions for children’s learning in preschool: a teacher perspective”. “Preschool teachers’ views on competence in the context of home and preschool collaboration”. “Cautionary tales on interrupting children’s play: a study from Sweden”. “A strengthened teaching mission in preschool: teachers’ experiences, beliefs and strategies”. “Preschool – an arena for children’s learning of social and cognitive knowledge”. ”Barn med samspillsvansker og ansattes dilemma relatert til retten til medvirkning i barnehagen”. ”Språklige rollemodeller. Hvordan barnehageansattes kompetanse om språk kan styrkes”. Gratis kjernetid i barnehager. Sluttrapport. Refleksjon som metode i barnehagers språkarbeid. Evaluering av et forsøk i seks barnehager. ”Ny i profesjonen. En observasjons- og intervjustudie av førskolelæreres videre kvalifisering det første året i yrket”. ”Sammenhenger mellom barnehagekvalitet og barns fungering ved 5 år. Resultater fra Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen”. Constructions of Children In-Between Normality and Deviance in Norwegian Day-care Centres. Kvardagslivet til barneborgarar. Ein studie av barna si deltaking i tre norske barnehager. Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
”An Examination of the Role and Responsibilities of Kindergarten in Multidisciplinary Collaboration on Behalf of Children with Severe Disabilities”.
“The Educational Nature of Different Ways Teachers Communicate with Children about Natural Phenomena”.
From Doing to Learning: Changed Focus during a Pre-School Learning Study Project on Organic Decomposition.
”The Second-Language Vocabulary Trajectories of Turkish Immigrant Children in Norway from Ages Five to Ten: the Role of Preschool Talk exposure, maternal Education, and co-ethnic concentration in the neighborhood”.
“Group size and organisational conditions for children’s learning in preschool: a teacher perspective”.
”Ny i profesjonen. En observasjons- og intervjustudie av førskolelæreres videre kvalifisering det første året i yrket”.
”Sammenhenger mellom barnehagekvalitet og barns fungering ved 5 år. Resultater fra Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen”.