Artikler Artikler Mathematical skills and motor life skills in toddlers: do differences in mathematical skills reflect differences in motor skills? Peer effects on the development of language skills in Norwegian childcare centers Children’s Perspective on Learning: An International Study in Denmark, Estonia, Germany and Sweden Pædagogers samfundsmæssige roller i forældresamarbejde Originale pædagoger: daginstitutionspædagogers faglighed(er) i lyset af en insisterende læringsdagsorden Preschool as an arena for developing teacher knowledge concerning children’s language learning Early preschool environments and gender: Effects of gender pedagogy in Sweden ‘Horrible or happy – we’ll have a little grey now’: aesthetic judgements in children’s narration with an interactive whiteboard Learning history in early childhood: Teaching methods and children’s understanding The impact of language skills and social competence on play behaviour in toddlers Gender matters: male and female ECEC practitioners’ perceptions and practices regarding children’s rough-and-tumble play (R&T) Hvordan underviser barnehagelærere? Eller gjør de ikke det i barnehagen? Preschool Work against Bullying and Degrading Treatment: Experiences from an Action Learning Project Factors Influencing Non-native Parents to Use Educational e-Services: A Case Study of Preschools in A Swedish Municipality Kindergarten teachers as mediators in sociodramatic play interaction: a study of how kindergarten teachers function as mediators in sociodramatic play interaction with children aged four and five Lärares uppfattningar av undervisning och naturvetenskap som innehåll i förskolans verksamhet ”Vi kan inte bara utgå från barnens intresse”: Pedagogers guidning av barns intresse i förhållande till förskolans målstyrning Viden i spil i daginstitutioner Time spent outdoors during preschool: Links with children's cognitive and behavioral development The concept of strategy in the early childhood education and care sector Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Mathematical skills and motor life skills in toddlers: do differences in mathematical skills reflect differences in motor skills?
Originale pædagoger: daginstitutionspædagogers faglighed(er) i lyset af en insisterende læringsdagsorden
‘Horrible or happy – we’ll have a little grey now’: aesthetic judgements in children’s narration with an interactive whiteboard
Gender matters: male and female ECEC practitioners’ perceptions and practices regarding children’s rough-and-tumble play (R&T)
Factors Influencing Non-native Parents to Use Educational e-Services: A Case Study of Preschools in A Swedish Municipality
Kindergarten teachers as mediators in sociodramatic play interaction: a study of how kindergarten teachers function as mediators in sociodramatic play interaction with children aged four and five
”Vi kan inte bara utgå från barnens intresse”: Pedagogers guidning av barns intresse i förhållande till förskolans målstyrning