Artikler Artikler Does transformational leadership stimulate user orientation? Evidence from a field experiment Early childcare as arenas of inclusion: the contribution of staff to recognising parents with refugee backgrounds as significant stakeholders Early childhood education and care policy change: comparing goals, governance and ideas in Nordic contexts Early Math in a Preschool Context: Spontaneous Extension of the Digital into the Physical ECE teachers’ views on play-based learning: a systematic review Effects of a kindergarten intervention on vegetables served and staff’s food-related practices: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial – the BRA study Effects of learning addition and subtraction in preschool by making the first ten numbers and their relations visible with finger patterns En god utbildning för alla: En litteraturstudie om reflektionsverktyg som kan understödja utveckling av inkluderande förskolor En studie av barnehagebarns redesign av medieuniverset Ninjago Estimating the Consequences of Norway's National Scale-Up of Early Childhood Education and Care (Beginning in Infancy) for Early Language Skills Every rose has its thorns: Domesticity and care beyond the dyad in ECEC Everyday interactions between staff and children aged 1-5 in Norwegian ECEC Examining Children’s and Adults’ Ways of Looking in Kindergarten: An Analysis of Documented Observations from the 1930s Expectations and discourses in multilingual preschool mathematics: Case study of a teacher of immigrant background Fleeting moments: young children’s negotiations of belonging and togetherness Food practices and risk constructions in Norwegian and French kindergartens Förskoleklassens institutionella kulturer ”Förskoleklasslärare som gästarbetare: Gränsmarkeringar via sociala stängningar”. Forskydning af problematikker – om børns overgang fra børnehave til skole Forståelser av og begrunnelser for barnelitteratur. En studie av litteraturdidaktikkens identiteter i rammeplaner for barnehage og barnehagelærerutdanning Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Early childcare as arenas of inclusion: the contribution of staff to recognising parents with refugee backgrounds as significant stakeholders
Early childhood education and care policy change: comparing goals, governance and ideas in Nordic contexts
Effects of a kindergarten intervention on vegetables served and staff’s food-related practices: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial – the BRA study
Effects of learning addition and subtraction in preschool by making the first ten numbers and their relations visible with finger patterns
En god utbildning för alla: En litteraturstudie om reflektionsverktyg som kan understödja utveckling av inkluderande förskolor
Estimating the Consequences of Norway's National Scale-Up of Early Childhood Education and Care (Beginning in Infancy) for Early Language Skills
Examining Children’s and Adults’ Ways of Looking in Kindergarten: An Analysis of Documented Observations from the 1930s
Expectations and discourses in multilingual preschool mathematics: Case study of a teacher of immigrant background
Forståelser av og begrunnelser for barnelitteratur. En studie av litteraturdidaktikkens identiteter i rammeplaner for barnehage og barnehagelærerutdanning