Artikler Artikler Vennskap mellom små barn i barnehagen. “Group size and organisational conditions for children’s learning in preschool: a teacher perspective”. ”Mobbing sett med nye øyne”. Puslespel som utgangspunkt for demokratisk dannanda praksisar i barnehagen? “The Educational Nature of Different Ways Teachers Communicate with Children about Natural Phenomena”. Matematiskt gestaltande i förskolan The Educational Positioning of the Preschool-Class at the Border between Social Education and Academic Demands: An Issue of Continuity in Swedish Early Education? Transition Between Swedish Preschool and Preschool Class: A Question About Interweaving Care and Knowledge ”De va svinhögt typ 250 kilo”- Förskolebarns mätande av längd, volym och tid i legoleken. Licentiatavhandling "Drawing the leaves anyway": Teachers embracing children's different ways of knowing in preschool science practice Events of potential learning: how preschoolers produce curriculum at the computer during free play periods Physical activity in light of affordances in outdoor environments: qualitative observation studies of 3-5 years olds in kindergarten Teachers’ Pedagogical Mathematical Awareness in Swedish Early Childhood Education Teachers' pedagogical mathematical awareness in diverse child-age-groups Berättelser som redskap för att föra och följa resonemang Young children exploring probability – with focus on their documentations Adult Monolingual Policy Becomes Children's Bilingual Practice: Code-Alternation among Children and Staff in an English-Medium Preschool in Sweden. Små, store eller måske rettere mellemstore organisationer? En undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem ledelsesspænd, ledelsesidentitet og brugen af transformationsledelse i danske daginstitutioner An examination of parents’ and preshool workers’ perspectives on bullying in preschool Gender Beliefs and Embedded Gendered Values in Preschool Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
“Group size and organisational conditions for children’s learning in preschool: a teacher perspective”.
“The Educational Nature of Different Ways Teachers Communicate with Children about Natural Phenomena”.
The Educational Positioning of the Preschool-Class at the Border between Social Education and Academic Demands: An Issue of Continuity in Swedish Early Education?
Transition Between Swedish Preschool and Preschool Class: A Question About Interweaving Care and Knowledge
”De va svinhögt typ 250 kilo”- Förskolebarns mätande av längd, volym och tid i legoleken. Licentiatavhandling
"Drawing the leaves anyway": Teachers embracing children's different ways of knowing in preschool science practice
Events of potential learning: how preschoolers produce curriculum at the computer during free play periods
Physical activity in light of affordances in outdoor environments: qualitative observation studies of 3-5 years olds in kindergarten
Adult Monolingual Policy Becomes Children's Bilingual Practice: Code-Alternation among Children and Staff in an English-Medium Preschool in Sweden.
Små, store eller måske rettere mellemstore organisationer? En undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem ledelsesspænd, ledelsesidentitet og brugen af transformationsledelse i danske daginstitutioner