Artikler Artikler An animated story created by a group of young children. Bedömning och sambedömning i förskola enligt förskollärares, chefers och rektorers skriftliga beskrivningar. Flerstämmig undervisning i förskola: Flerstämmig didaktisk modellering. The Association Between Toddlers’ Temperament and Well-Being in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care, and the Moderating Effect of Center-Based Daycare Process Quality. Bridging or bonding: An organizational framework for studying social capital in kindergartens. Personlighetsbilden av Lars-en analys av en ledarinnas seende. ‘It’s in my interest to collaborate…’–parents’ views of the process of interacting and building relationships with preschool practitioners in Sweden. Barnehagen–en lærende organisasjon? Styreres forståelser av en lærende organisasjon og kjennetegn ved en lærende barnehage. Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik. Materialpoetiske øyeblikk. En art-ografisk studie av små barns eksperimentelle materialprosesser i barnehagen. Children’s temperament moderates the long-term effects of pedagogical practices in ECEC on children’s externalising problems. Stakeholders’ opinions of quality in Norwegian kindergartens. Job characteristics theory and mentoring: the influence of cognitive tasks and educational leadership on mentoring provided. The Work Context and Mentoring: Do Job Characteristics Influence Mentoring Received? Kindergartens: inclusive spaces for all children? "Business as Usual"? Or Transformative and Transactive Teaching Leading towards the Agenda 2030 Goals in Swedish Early Childhood Education. Preschoolers’ use and exploration of concepts related to scientific phenomena in preschool. “And then it’s my turn”: Negotiating participation in tablet activities in early childhood education and care. Ligga steget före: Barnskötares yrkesomdöme åskådliggjort genom bedömningshandlingar. Early childhood educators as COVID warriors: Adaptations and responsiveness to the pandemic across five countries. Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Bedömning och sambedömning i förskola enligt förskollärares, chefers och rektorers skriftliga beskrivningar.
The Association Between Toddlers’ Temperament and Well-Being in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care, and the Moderating Effect of Center-Based Daycare Process Quality.
‘It’s in my interest to collaborate…’–parents’ views of the process of interacting and building relationships with preschool practitioners in Sweden.
Barnehagen–en lærende organisasjon? Styreres forståelser av en lærende organisasjon og kjennetegn ved en lærende barnehage.
Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik.
Materialpoetiske øyeblikk. En art-ografisk studie av små barns eksperimentelle materialprosesser i barnehagen.
Children’s temperament moderates the long-term effects of pedagogical practices in ECEC on children’s externalising problems.
Job characteristics theory and mentoring: the influence of cognitive tasks and educational leadership on mentoring provided.
"Business as Usual"? Or Transformative and Transactive Teaching Leading towards the Agenda 2030 Goals in Swedish Early Childhood Education.
“And then it’s my turn”: Negotiating participation in tablet activities in early childhood education and care.
Early childhood educators as COVID warriors: Adaptations and responsiveness to the pandemic across five countries.