Artikler Artikler ”Samspil og læring – børnehavebørns deltagelsesmuligheder i pædagogisk tilrettelagte aktiviteter”. ”Til-pasning? At være nyuddannet pædagog og professionsbachelor i 0-6 års institutioner”. ”Observation-based descriptions of social status in the pre-school”. Kvardagslivet til barneborgarar. Ein studie av barna si deltaking i tre norske barnehager. Does Professional Development of Preschool Teachers Improve Child Socio-Emotional Outcomes? ”Play in the kindergarten: The case of Norway, Sweden, New Zealand and Japan”. Entrepreneurial learning in Swedish preschools: possibilities for and constraints on children's active participation. The outdoor environment in Norwegian kindergartens as pedagogical space for toddlers’ play, learning and development. ”Stability and change in prosocial and antisocial behavior across the transition to school: Teacher and peer perspectives”. Svensk förskolepersonals beskrivningar av teknik. LUMAT 3(2), 237-258. Den tilsidesatte bog om den moderne billedbog i dagtilbud. ’Er det bra eller?’: Pedagogiske spenningsfelt i møte med digitale verktøy i norske barnehager. “Barnehagens rom og barns hverdag – utvalgte funn om organisering av barn, rom og tid”. ”Examining the Rhetoric: A Comparison of How Sustainability and Young Children’s Participation and Agency Are Framed in Australian and Swedish Early Childhood Education Curricula”. ”Børns deltagelse i pædagogiske aktiviteter: Hverdagslivets læringsmuligheder i en børnehave”. Early Childhood Early Childhood Educators' Perspectives of the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschool and Quality Work. An ’Ethics of resistance’ challenges taken-for-granted ideas in Swedish early childhood education. Pædagoger i skyggen - om børnehavepædagogers kamp for faglig anerkendelse. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag. Mathematical Teaching Moments: Between Instruction and Construction. ”Inklusion i dagtilbud. Kortlægning af arbejdet med inklusion i daginstitutioner og dagpleje”. Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Entrepreneurial learning in Swedish preschools: possibilities for and constraints on children's active participation.
The outdoor environment in Norwegian kindergartens as pedagogical space for toddlers’ play, learning and development.
”Stability and change in prosocial and antisocial behavior across the transition to school: Teacher and peer perspectives”.
”Examining the Rhetoric: A Comparison of How Sustainability and Young Children’s Participation and Agency Are Framed in Australian and Swedish Early Childhood Education Curricula”.
Early Childhood Early Childhood Educators' Perspectives of the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschool and Quality Work.
Pædagoger i skyggen - om børnehavepædagogers kamp for faglig anerkendelse. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag.