Artikler Artikler Att utmana barns taluppfattning i en matematikaktivitet i förskolan. Understanding different approaches to ECE pedagogy through tensions. Promoting Diversity and Belonging: Preschool Staff’s Perspective on Inclusive Factors in the Swedish Preschool. When differences are made into likenesses: The normative documentation and assessment culture of the preschool. A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children. An Exploration of Child–Staff Interactions That Promote Physical Activity in Pre-School. Pædagogers involvering i børns leg – muligheder og dilemmaer. The Role of Local Leaders in the Implementation of Adult-Initiated Motor Skill Development and Physical Activity in Preschool – A Case Study. Are we talking about the same thing? A Survey of preschool workers’ attitudes and beliefs about bullying. Exploring intervention components in association with changes in preschool children’s vegetable intake: the BRA-study. Early childhood centre directors coping with stress: firefighters and oracles. Børns involvering i pædagogisk udvikling og forskning. Case: Overgangen fra børnehave til skole. Children’s socialisation into literate practices through engaging in translation activities in immersion preschool. Worldviews and national values in Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish early childhood education and Care curricula. Emotion socialization – compassion or non-engagement – in young children's responses to peer distress. Differences between Norwegian male and female preschool staff physical activity levels and their influence on PA levels of children. Why digital administrative systems create extra work and demoralize us: A study of performativity and decontextualization caused by Unikum in Swedish preschools. Pedagogical documentation and systematic quality work in early childhood: Comparing practices in Western Australia and Sweden. Organizational building versus teachers’ personal and relational needs for school improvement. Like school and not like school: ambivalences in Swedish preschool teachers’ enacted policy. Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Promoting Diversity and Belonging: Preschool Staff’s Perspective on Inclusive Factors in the Swedish Preschool.
When differences are made into likenesses: The normative documentation and assessment culture of the preschool.
A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children.
The Role of Local Leaders in the Implementation of Adult-Initiated Motor Skill Development and Physical Activity in Preschool – A Case Study.
Are we talking about the same thing? A Survey of preschool workers’ attitudes and beliefs about bullying.
Exploring intervention components in association with changes in preschool children’s vegetable intake: the BRA-study.
Children’s socialisation into literate practices through engaging in translation activities in immersion preschool.
Worldviews and national values in Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish early childhood education and Care curricula.
Emotion socialization – compassion or non-engagement – in young children's responses to peer distress.
Differences between Norwegian male and female preschool staff physical activity levels and their influence on PA levels of children.
Why digital administrative systems create extra work and demoralize us: A study of performativity and decontextualization caused by Unikum in Swedish preschools.
Pedagogical documentation and systematic quality work in early childhood: Comparing practices in Western Australia and Sweden.