Artikler Artikler Kan du tage pigen op af kufferten? En analyse af sproglig evaluering i daginstitutioner. Effect of cleaning and disinfection of toys on infectious diseases and micro-organisms in daycare nurseries. Ledelsesspænd på daginstitutionsområdet. Sproget kan styrkes! Rapport om SPELL og Fart på sproget. Undersøgelser af effekten af to sprogindsatser. Does Professional Development of Preschool Teachers Improve Child Socio-Emotional Outcomes? Establishing Quality in Preschool Language and Literacy Environments. Presence of Pathogenic Bacteria and Viruses in the Daycare Environment. Når testning griber ind i pædagogikken. Science in early childhood education. “Nytråkk” i gamle spor. Retrospektivt blikk på hverdagslivet i en småbarnsgruppe. Limes and Lemons: Teaching and Learning in Preschool as the Coordination of Perspectives and Sensory Modalities. Kindergarten practitioners’ experience of promoting children’s involvement in and enjoyment of physically active play: Does the contagion of physical energy affect physically active play? Stora barngrupper i förskolan relaterat till läroplanens intentioner. Likestilt og forskjellig? Om menn og likestilling i barnehagen. Den komplexa väven: Att organisera för barns övergångar till och från förskoleklass. Exploring the pedagogic relation – Supporting six-year-olds in making sense of physical motion. Kvalitet i læring i barnehagen. En analyse av styringsdokumenter fra OECD og Norge. Danningsbegrepet i barnehagenes årsplaner – en diskursanalytisk tilnærming. Structural conditions for children’s play in kindergarten. Inklusion i daginstitutioner: mellem pædagogik og arbejdsmiljø. Til de 20 forrige 1 ... 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ... 69 Til de 20 neste
Effect of cleaning and disinfection of toys on infectious diseases and micro-organisms in daycare nurseries.
Sproget kan styrkes! Rapport om SPELL og Fart på sproget. Undersøgelser af effekten af to sprogindsatser.
Limes and Lemons: Teaching and Learning in Preschool as the Coordination of Perspectives and Sensory Modalities.
Kindergarten practitioners’ experience of promoting children’s involvement in and enjoyment of physically active play: Does the contagion of physical energy affect physically active play?