Artikler Artikler ‘Becoming-with bees’: generating affect and response-abilities with the dying bees in early childhood education ‘I want to join the play’. Young children’s wants and needs of empathy when experiencing peer rejections in ECEC ‘Sexual Orientation’ in Swedish Preschool Policy—What Is the Problem? ‘We Need Sound Too!’ Children and Teachers Creating Multimodal Digital Stories Together ’Hva ser vi?’ Om betydningen av den reflekterte observatør ’Jeg savner barnet mitt’. Møter mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagen ’Men hun er ikke sånn typisk leder’: Barnehagelæreres fortolkninger av lav lekestatus i foreldresamtaler ’Vi har väldigt lite tid för varandra här’. Temporala och spatiala förutsättningar för samverkan mellan grundskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem “The Heartbreak of Social Rejection”: Young Children’s Expressions about How They Experience Rejection from Peers in ECEC Å begynne i barnehagen – små barns prosess A cross-cultural exploration of early childhood educators’ beliefs and experiences around the use of touchscreen technologies with children under 3 years of age A didactic perspective on negotiations and collaborations between different actors within the Swedish support system: children with autism spectrum disorders included in community-based preschool settings Å få øye på det tause som blir «sagt»: En estetisk tilnærming til barns uartikulerte perspektiver Å gi rom for muslimske barns utprøving av faste i barnehagen A preschool for all children? – Swedish preschool teachers’ perspective on inclusion A review of research on the Anthropocene in early childhood education Å skape rom for flerspråklighet: En studie av diskursive vilkår for barnehagens språklige praksis med flerspråklige barn Å styrke fysisk aktiv lek i barnehagen – evaluering av et intervensjonsdesign basert på en høy grad av personaldeltagelse A swing and a child: how scientific phenomena can come to matter for preschool children’s emergent science identities” Academics as play and the social as discipline: school readiness in Denmark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 70 Til de 20 neste
‘Becoming-with bees’: generating affect and response-abilities with the dying bees in early childhood education
‘I want to join the play’. Young children’s wants and needs of empathy when experiencing peer rejections in ECEC
’Men hun er ikke sånn typisk leder’: Barnehagelæreres fortolkninger av lav lekestatus i foreldresamtaler
’Vi har väldigt lite tid för varandra här’. Temporala och spatiala förutsättningar för samverkan mellan grundskola, förskoleklass och fritidshem
“The Heartbreak of Social Rejection”: Young Children’s Expressions about How They Experience Rejection from Peers in ECEC
A cross-cultural exploration of early childhood educators’ beliefs and experiences around the use of touchscreen technologies with children under 3 years of age
A didactic perspective on negotiations and collaborations between different actors within the Swedish support system: children with autism spectrum disorders included in community-based preschool settings
Å skape rom for flerspråklighet: En studie av diskursive vilkår for barnehagens språklige praksis med flerspråklige barn
Å styrke fysisk aktiv lek i barnehagen – evaluering av et intervensjonsdesign basert på en høy grad av personaldeltagelse
A swing and a child: how scientific phenomena can come to matter for preschool children’s emergent science identities”