Skandinavisk forskning på barnehageområdet Avgrens søk Relevans Alfabetisk Udgivelsesår Din søkning gav 5437 resultater. Titel Originale pædagoger: daginstitutionspædagogers faglighed(er) i lyset af en insisterende læringsdagsorden Formål The purpose is to examine how daycare teachers create pedagogical professionalism in the interface between their own professional ideals, ethical and pedagogical positions and… År 2017 Forfatter Schmidt, C. H. Kilde Ph.d.-afhandling. Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse (DPU), Aarhus Universitet. Emner Danmark Dokumentstudie Etnografisk studie Historikk Kvalitativ studie Ledelse Leder Læreplan Narrativ studie Offentlig forvaltning Organisering Pedagog Policy Profesjonalisering Syn på barndom Verdi Titel Pædagogers samfundsmæssige roller i forældresamarbejde Formål This study has two specific aims: to examine (1) what political requirements for toddlers' early learning mean for the collaboration between parents and ECEC teachers, and (2)… År 2017 Forfatter Schmidt, L. S. K. Kilde Center for Pædagogik, Professionshøjskolen Absalon. Emner Barnehagen, de eldste barna Danmark Dokumentstudie Etnografisk studie Foreldre/foresatte Foreldresamarbeid Holdningsstudie Kvalitativ studie Leder Læreplan Overgangen mellom barnehage og skole Pedagog Policy Profesjonalisering Titel Children’s Perspective on Learning: An International Study in Denmark, Estonia, Germany and Sweden Formål This article explores how children in Denmark, Estonia, Germany and Sweden describe their perspective on learning. The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge of how children… År 2017 Forfatter Sandberg, A., Broström, S., Johansson, I., Frøkjær, T., Kieferle, C., Seifert, A., Roth, A., Tull, M., Ugaste, A., & Laan, M. Kilde Early Childhood Education Journal, 45(1), 71-81. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barneperspektiver Danmark Holdningsstudie Kvalitativ studie Læringsprosess OECD-land Overgangen mellom barnehage og skole Sverige Titel Peer effects on the development of language skills in Norwegian childcare centers Formål The purpose of this study is to examine whether peer expressive language skills have an effect on language ability of children attending Norwegian ECEC centres. The authors… År 2017 Forfatter Ribeiro, L. A., Zachrisson, H. D., & Dearing, E. Kilde Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 41, 1-12. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barnehagen, de yngste barna Foreldre/foresatte Kohortstudie Kvantitativ studie Norge Språk Titel Mathematical skills and motor life skills in toddlers: do differences in mathematical skills reflect differences in motor skills? Formål The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is a correlation between children's early mathematical skills and their motor life skills. The authors base the study on… År 2017 Forfatter Reikerås, E., Moser, T., & Tønnessen, F. E. Kilde European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 25(1), 72-88. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de yngste barna Det kroppslige Kompetanse Kvantitativ studie Matematikk Norge Pedagog Screeningsinstrument Tverrsnittsstudie Titel "Why Do We Celebrate …?" Filling Traditions with Meaning in an Ethnically Diverse Swedish Preschool Formål The purpose of this study is to examine how employees and children in an ethnically diverse preschool negotiate the meaning of cultural traditions celebrated in Swedish… År 2017 Forfatter Puskás, T., & Andersson, A. Kilde International Journal of Early Childhood, 49(1), 21-37. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Dialog Didaktik Etnografisk studie Kvalitativ studie Læreplan Pedagog Planlagte aktiviteter Sosialisering Sverige Titel I mangetydighedens mellemrum: Om pædagogers daglige vidensprocesser Formål The purpose of this study is to explore pedagogical knowledge as a relational phenomenon in ECEC life, i.e. knowledge as it unfolds in relationships between ECEC teachers, but… År 2017 Forfatter Plum, M. Kilde Kbh.: Institut for Medier, Erkendelse og Formidling, Københavns Universitet. Emner Assistent Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barnehagen, de yngste barna Danmark Etnografisk studie Kvalitativ studie Mellommenneskelig relasjon Pedagog Profesjonalisering Samarbeid Titel Who uses early childhood education and care services? Comparing socioeconomic selection across five western policy contexts Formål The purpose of this study is to compare participation rates and socioeconomic selection into ECEC across five different national policy contexts. Focus is on infancy (5-9… År 2017 Forfatter Petitclerc, A., Côtè, S., Doyle, O., Burchinal, M., Herba, C., Zachrisson, H. D., Boivin, M., Tremblay, R. E., Tiemeier, H., Jaddoe, V. W., & Raat, H. Kilde International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 11(3), 1-24. Emner Arbeidsmarked Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barnehagen, de yngste barna Foreldre/foresatte Foreldrebetaling Institusjonalisering Komparativ analyse Kvantitativ studie Norge OECD-land Policy Ulikhet Økonomi Titel Programming in preschool – with a focus on learning mathematics Formål The overall purpose of this study is to examine what happens when programming is implemented as part of the everyday activities in preschool. The research question focuses on… År 2017 Forfatter Palmér, H. Kilde International Research in Early Childhood Education, 8(1), 75-87. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Digitale verktøy Intervensjon Kvalitativ studie Læringsprosess Matematikk Sverige Titel Collective but diverse: Preschool teachers networking to develop toddler mathematics Formål This study focuses on a national network of preschool teachers working with toddler mathematics education. Activities within this network mean professional development based on… År 2017 Forfatter Palmér, H., & Björklund, C. Kilde Mathematics Teacher Education and Development, 19(3), 3-16. Emner Dokumentasjon Holdningsstudie Kvalitativ studie Matematikk Pedagog Profesjonalisering Sverige Til de 10 forrige 1 ... 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 ... 544 Til de 10 neste