Skandinavisk forskning på barnehageområdet Avgrens søk Relevans Alfabetisk Udgivelsesår Din søkning gav 5417 resultater. Titel The relation of home literacy environments to language and preliteracy skills in single-and dual-language children in Danish childcare. Formål The study investigates how reading activities at home can affect how good children are at speaking and reading. The researchers look specifically at children who have been in… År 2021 Forfatter Højen, A., Hoff, E., Bleses, D., Dale, P. S. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barnehagen, de yngste barna Danmark Flerspråklighet Foreldre/foresatte Høytlesning Kvantitativ studie Lesing Språk Titel Rampenissen i barnehagen: Formidling og forhandling av ikke-empiriske figurers ontologiske status i adventstiden. Formål The study analyses how questions of truth associated with fantastic and religious figures are negotiated and established in a kindergarten during Advent. The researcher… År 2021 Forfatter Iversen, R. L. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barneperspektiver Casestudie Didaktik Etikk (barnehagelærere) Kvalitativ studie Norge Observasjonsstudier Pedagog Titel The ambivalence of assessment—Language assessment of minority-language children in early childhood education and care. Formål The study investigates how kindergarten teachers in Norway and Denmark manage language assessment policy for minority language children. In both countries, there is a large… År 2021 Forfatter Jahreie, J. Emner Barn Casestudie Danmark Etnografisk studie Flerspråklighet Implementering Kvalitativ studie Læreplan Norge Pedagog Policy Språk Vurdering Titel Touch the Children, or Please Don’t – Preschool Teachers’ Approach to Touch. Formål The purpose of the study is to investigate how student kindergarten teachers or newly qualified kindergarten teachers relate to physical contact between teachers and children… År 2021 Forfatter Johansson, C., Åberg, M., Hedlin, M. Emner Barnehagen, de eldste barna Det kroppslige Etikk (barnehagelærere) Holdningsstudie Interaksjon Kombinasjonsstudie Mellommenneskelig relasjon Omsorg Pedagog Policy Sverige Syn på barndom Trivsel Velvære Titel Social Sustainability through Children’s Expressions of Belonging in Peer Communities. Formål The purpose of the study is to explore the social dimension of sustainable development through children's expression of belonging in kindergarten groups. The research questions… År 2021 Forfatter Johansson, E., Rosell, Y. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Casestudie Danning Demokrati Kompetanse Kvalitativ studie Lek Mellommenneskelig relasjon Norge Observasjonsstudier Sosialisering Titel Att utmana barns taluppfattning i en matematikaktivitet i förskolan. Formål The purpose of the study is to show what it is possible to experience about numbers in a sharing activity with two three-year-old children in kindergarten. The research… År 2021 Forfatter Johansson, S., Björklund, C., Kultti, A. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barnehagen, de yngste barna Casestudie Didaktik Kvalitativ studie Matematikk Observasjonsstudier Pedagog Planlagte aktiviteter Sverige Titel Understanding different approaches to ECE pedagogy through tensions. Formål The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of and nuance Nordic kindergarten pedagogy by means of a review of relevant literature. The researchers investigate… År 2021 Forfatter Kangas, J., Ukkonen-Mikkola, T., Harju-Luukkainen, H., Ranta, S., Chydenius, H., Lahdenperä, J., Neitola, M., Kinos, J., Sajaniemi, N., Ruokonen, I. Emner Danmark Didaktik Læreplan Norge OECD-land Offentlig forvaltning Policy Sverige Syn på barndom Systematisk review/kartlegging Titel Promoting Diversity and Belonging: Preschool Staff’s Perspective on Inclusive Factors in the Swedish Preschool. Formål The purpose of the study was to gain knowledge about and insight into kindergarten staff's perspectives on factors and pedagogical approaches that promote diversity and… År 2021 Forfatter Karlsudd, P. Emner Assistent Barnehagen, de eldste barna Didaktik Fagarbeider Holdningsstudie Inkludering Kvantitativ studie Likestilling Likeverd Pedagog Pedagogisk assistent Pedagogisk medarbeider Policy Spesialpedagogikk Sverige Syn på barndom Ulikhet Økonomi Titel When differences are made into likenesses: The normative documentation and assessment culture of the preschool. Formål The study investigates whether documentation and assessment can change views on normality in kindergartens, and also what the consequences of this may have for kindergarten… År 2021 Forfatter Karlsudd, P. Emner Kartlegging Kompetanse Likeverd Pedagog Policy Sverige Ulikhet Vurdering Titel A systematic review of interventions promoting social inclusion of immigrant and ethnic minority preschool children. Formål The study collects and summarises research on interventions in kindergartens that aim to promote social inclusion of children with immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds.… År 2021 Forfatter Keles, S., Munthe, E., Ruud, E. Emner Barn Barnehagen, de eldste barna Barnehagen, de yngste barna Etnisitet Inkludering Likeverd OECD-land Systematisk review/kartlegging Til de 10 forrige 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... 542 Til de 10 neste