Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 67 items. Filters: Social exposure Title Video feedback combined with coordination meetings in school to reduce early disruptive behaviour problems (DBP)—A 1‐year follow‐up randomised controlled trial. Purpose The study compares the long-term effects of the Marte Meo intervention method combined with coordination meetings (MAC) involving regular services (service as usual, SAU) for… Year 2021 Author Balldin, S., Bergström, M., Wirtberg, I., Axberg, U. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Emotional Competence Interpersonal relation Intervention Kindergarten Observational Studies Parent/guardian Quantitative study RCT study Social and special pedagogics Social exposure Sweden Title Sustained effects of an early childhood language and literacy intervention through second grade: Longitudinal findings of the SPELL trial in Denmark. Purpose The study investigates the relationship between language and literacy skills at kindergarten age and children's future reading skills. It is based on initial reports from the… Year 2021 Author Bleses, D., Dale, P. S., Justice, L., Højen, A., Vind, B. D., Jiang, H. Subjects Child Competence Denmark Ethnicity Intervention Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Quantitative study RCT study Reading Social exposure Social inheritance Title The art of kindergarten drop off’: how young Norwegian-Somali parents perform ethnicity to avoid reports to Child Welfare Services. Purpose The study investigates how young parents with an immigrant background from Somalia portray a Norwegian middle-class identity when they interact with school and kindergarten… Year 2021 Author Handulle, A., Vassenden, A. Subjects Attitude study Child Cooperation with parents Ethnicity Ethnographic study Identity Inclusion Norway Observational Studies Parent/guardian Qualitative study Social exposure Title Reading development among Swedish children: the importance of contextual resources and language ability. Purpose The study investigates the variation in children's language abilities before they started school in relation to gender and socioeconomic status. The research questions are:… Year 2021 Author Herkner, B., Westling Allodi, M., Ferrer Wreder, L., Eninger, L. Subjects Assessment Child Cross-sectional study Didactics Ethnicity Gender Kindergarten Language Quantitative study Social exposure Social inheritance Sweden Title "Normkritisk vaccination" - Normkritik och normkritisk pedagogik i Skolverkets rapporter och råd 2009–2014. Purpose The study investigates the Swedish National Agency for Education’s recommendations and advice on the use of norm criticism and norm-critical pedagogy to promote equal… Year 2021 Author Hill, H. Subjects Administration Child carer/educaters Curriculum Didactics Document study Implementation Inclusion Policy Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Social exposure Sweden Title Teacher nominations of preschool children at risk for mental health problems: How false is a false positive nomination and what make teachers concerned? Purpose The study investigates how often kindergarten teachers become mistakenly worried about children's development, and why this happened, even when the children did not have… Year 2021 Author Stensen, K., Lydersen, S., Stenseng, F., Wallander, J. L., Drugli, M. B. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Competence Emotional Competence Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Nursery Quantitative study Social Competence Social exposure Title Personlighetsbilden av Lars-en analys av en ledarinnas seende. Purpose The study analyses a personality description of a boy named Lars from a kindergarten in Norrköping in the early 1930s. The goal is to understand how adults viewed children,… Year 2021 Author Vretblom, H. Subjects Assessment Case study Child Childhood vision Document study History Identity Kindergarten Participation Social exposure Social inheritance Sweden Title Does attending preschool in an economically advantaged or disadvantaged neighborhood moderate the effects of the preschool edition of promoting alternative thinking strategies? Purpose Based on the intervention Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS ®), the study investigates whether the level of income in kindergartens’ neighbourhoods can affect… Year 2022 Author Kapetanovic, S., Hau, G. H., Eichas, K., Olsson, T. M., Ferrer-Wreder, L. & Eninger, L. Subjects Child carer/educaters Emotional Competence Inclusion Intervention Kindergarten Longitudinal study Quantitative study RCT study Social Competence Social exposure Socialisation Sweden Title Socialt udsatte børn i dagtilbud – indsats og effekt. Sammenfattende rapport. Purpose This report describes the nature and scope of measures targeted at vulnerable children at daycare centres, and investigates the design and impacts of these measures and methods… Year 2009 Author Mehlbye, J. et al. Source København: Indenrigs- og Socialministeriet, Anvendt Kommunal Forskning. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Denmark Document study Emotional Competence Inequality Kindergarten Language Mixed-method Nursery Parent/guardian Policy Screening instrument Social Competence Social exposure Title ”Atferd og sosial kompetanse i barnehagen hos 2-åringer sett i lys av barnehagefaktorer og tidlig utvikling”. Oslo: Atferdssenteret. Purpose The purpose of this report is to describe behaviour and social competences in two-year-old children at daycare centres in the light of selected family circumstances, the… Year 2011 Authors Zachrisson, H.D. Nærde, A. Janson, H. Ogden, T. Subjects Child Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Quantitative study Social Competence Social exposure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next 10 items