Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 54 items. Filters: Food and meals Title Effectiveness of a kindergarten-based intervention to increase vegetable intake and reduce food neophobia amongst 1-year-old children: a cluster randomised controlled trial. Purpose The purpose of the study is to map and reduce the phenomenon of food neophobia (tendency to reject or be reluctant to try new and unfamiliar foods) among one-year-old… Year 2021 Author Blomkvist, E. A. M., Wills, A. K., Helland, S. H., Hillesund, E. R., Øverby, N. C. Subjects Child Food and meals Intervention Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Quantitative study RCT study Well-being Title Food and meal policies and guidelines in kindergartens in Norway and China: a comparative analysis. Purpose The study compares how Norway and China organise food and meals in kindergartens. The goal is to shed light on differences and similarities, and to inspire reflection on… Year 2021 Author Ciren, B Subjects Administration Child Curriculum Document study Food and meals Norway Policy Qualitative study Socialisation Title Wow! They really like celeriac! Kindergarten teachers' experiences of an intervention to increase 1-year-olds’ acceptance of vegetables. Purpose The study investigates kindergarten teachers' experiences of implementing the Pre-schoolers' Food Courage 2.0 intervention in Norwegian kindergartens. The intervention focused… Year 2021 Author Helland, S. H., Øverby, N. C., Blomkvist, E. A. M., Hillesund, E. R., Strömmer, S., Barker, M., Bjørkkjær, T. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Food and meals Health Norway Nursery Qualitative study Well-being Title Exploring intervention components in association with changes in preschool children’s vegetable intake: the BRA-study. Purpose The study investigates what kindergarten staff think about the effect of an intervention aimed at increasing children's intake of vegetables and the serving of vegetables in… Year 2021 Author Kristiansen, A. L., Himberg-Sundet, A., Bjelland, M., Lien, N., Holst, R., Andersen, L. F. Subjects Child carer/educaters Food and meals Health Intervention Learning process Norway Quantitative study RCT study Title Korleis blir det arbeidd med utvikling av smakspreferansar i barnehagen? Ein kvalitativ intervjustudie i seks barnehagar. Purpose The study investigates how pedagogical leaders in kindergartens work with meals to promote the development of children's taste preferences, in the sense of liking and accepting… Year 2021 Author Ryslett, K., Håberg, L. I. Subjects Child Didactics Food and meals Kindergarten Manager Norway Nursery Observational Studies Qualitative study Title Det finns inga tjejbestämmare: Att förstå kön som position i förskolans vardagsrutiner och lek. There are no girl decision-makers: Understanding gender as a position in pre-school practices. Purpose With the premise that previous studies have shown that kindergarten staff approach girls and boys on the basis of gender-stereotype preconceptions, this dissertation focuses on… Year 2009 Author Eidevald, C. Source Jönköping: Högskolan i Jönköping. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Discourse analysis Ethnographic study Food and meals Gender Identity Kindergarten Morning assembly Play Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Uenighet som demokratisk praksis i måltidsfellesskapet på småbarnsavdeling”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how child carers talk about episodes in which children and adults as participants in a meal, break with and express disagreement… Year 2011 Author Grindland, B. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 4(2), 75-90. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Democracy Equality Ethnographic study Food and meals Interaction Norway Nursery Participation Qualitative study Socialisation Title Mad og fysisk aktivitet i børnehaver, skoler og fritidshjem/skolefritidsordninger. Purpose The objective of this study is to describe and evaluate food schemes and physical activity in kindergartens, schools and after-school centres/school-based leisure-time… Year 2006 Authors Lissau, I; Hesse U; Juhl, M; Davidsen Source København: Statens Institut for Folkesundhed. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Denmark Food and meals Indoor activity Kindergarten Motory activity Outdoor activity Physical activity Play Policy Quantitative study Title Hvor sunde er de danske børnehaver?: Resultater fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse blandt dagtilbud til 3-6 årige. Purpose This study is a survey of lifestyle practices, of various policies (for food and meals, exercise and physical activity, hand hygiene and children's social relationships) and of… Year 2007 Authors Grønfeldt, V.; Nyboe M.; Mikkelsen, B. E. Source København: Fødevareinstituttet. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Denmark Food and meals Hygiene Kindergarten Policy Quantitative study Social Competence Title Evaluering af den ernæringsmæssige kvalitet af madordninger i dagsinstitutioner. Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate how many daycare centres with food schemes meet the recommendations given by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration for the… Year 2011 Authors Nielsen, M.H. Lassen, A.D. Christensen, L.M. Sabinsky, M. Source Søborg: Fødevareinstituttet, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. ISBN 978-87-92158-99-4 Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Denmark Evaluation Food and meals Health Kindergarten Nursery Quantitative study 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next 10 items