Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 533 items. Title Effekter af indsatser for socialt udsatte børn i daginstitutioner, HPA-Projektet. Purpose The objective of this study is to investigate what types of intervention have positive effects on children’s social development and learning seen in a skills perspective.… Year 2009 Author Jensen, B.; Holm, A.; Allerup, P.; Kragh, A. Source København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Ethnographic study Implementation Intervention Kindergarten Learning process Manager Mixed-method Organisation Parent/guardian RCT study Social Competence Social exposure Title Daginstitutioners betydning for udsatte børn: En forskningsoversigt. Purpose The purpose of this study is to establish an overview of research on the significance of daycare centres in relation to socially marginalised children. Year 2008 Author Petersen, K. E. Source København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Kindergarten Mapping Nursery OECD-country Qualitative study Social Competence Social exposure Systematic review/mapping Title Fysisk lek i barnehagens uterom. 5åringers erfaring med kroppslig fysisk lek i barnehagens uterom. Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine how Norwegian five-year-olds react to physical play activities in the daycare facility’s outdoor areas. The researcher specifically… Year 2012 Author Bjørgen, K. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 5(2), 1-15. Subjects Attitude study Child Child perspectives Didactics Ethnographic study Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Physical activity Play Qualitative study The physical aspect Title Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan: Villkor för deltagande och lärande. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the conditions at the daycare facility that support multilingual children’s linguistic and communicative development and their… Year 2012 Author Kultti, A. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Göteborgs universitet. ISBN 978-91-7346-723-0 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Nursery Participation Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Den levende bog: Rapportering og evaluerende undersøgelse. Purpose The study is an evaluation of a project initiated by the Danish Agency for Libraries and Media and it aims at changing reading habits at daycare centres and homes through… Year 2008 Author Larsen, M. E.; Basse, L.; Sehested C. Source København: Center for Børnelitteratur, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Books Case study Child carer/educaters Denmark Evaluation Intervention Kindergarten Mixed-method Parent/guardian Reading Reading aloud Title De er mange, de er motiverte, de er menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehage: sluttrapport fra prosjektet "Menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehager". Purpose The report aims to identify the characteristics of men employed in nature kindergartens, and to find positive aspects that can lead to increased recruitment of men for early… Year 2007 Author Lysklett, O. B.; Emilsen, K. Source Trondheim: Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for førskolelærerutdanning. Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Identity Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Organisation Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Wellbeing Title Förskolans formande: Statlig reglering 1944-2008. Purpose The dissertation examines the significance of daycare centres in Swedish society. The descriptive purpose of the dissertation is to study how provisions for Swedish daycare… Year 2008 Author Folke-Fichtelius, M. Source Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. Subjects Childhood vision Concept of formative development/education Document study History Kindergarten Nursery Organisation Policy Qualitative study Sweden Title Danning gjennom historie og tradisjonsformidling i barnehagen. Purpose On the basis of the early childhood educators' perceptions, the purpose of this study is to examine how the presentation of history and traditions at daycare centres… Year 2013 Authors Skjæveland, Y. Buaas, E.H. Moen, K.H. Source In I. Pareliussen, B.B. Moen, A. Reinertsen & T. Solhaug (red.), FoU i praksis 2012 conference proceedings (240-248). Trondheim: Akademika forlag. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Concept of formative development/education Kindergarten Learning process Norway Nursery Qualitative study Title Flere end to slags børn: En rapport om køn og ligestilling i børnehaven. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which stereotypical gender roles dominate Danish kindergartens and how they are manifested in the interactions between… Year 2008 Author Kofoed, J.; Olesen, J.; Aggerholm, K. Source København: Learning Lab Denmark, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Gender Identity Interaction Kindergarten Qualitative study Title ”Med blicken på barnet – om olikheter inom förskolan som diskursiv praktik”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to render visible how children are created as subjects when their behaviour puzzles, worries and challenges the pedagogical staff, as well as what… Year 2011 Author Palla, L. Source Malmö: Malmö högskola. ISBN 978-91-86295-14-1 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Discourse analysis Documentation Identity Kindergarten Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... 54 Next 10 items