Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 208 items. Filters: Language Title Nationale praktikker i børnehaven: Om relationen mellem forskelsstrukturer i småbørnspædagogikken og en nationalstatsorganisering. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how pedagogical practices relate to nationally established cultural norms and thus to the organisation of the national government.… Year 2010 Author Larsen, V. Source Roskilde: Roskilde Universitet. Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning. ISBN 978-87-91387-36-4 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Democracy Denmark Ethnicity Ethnographic study History Institutionalisation Kindergarten Language Nursery Organisation Qualitative study Social Competence The physical aspect Values Title ”Preschool-based social communication treatment for children with autism: 12-month follow-up of a randomized trial”. Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine the long-term effect of a preschool-based social communication intervention used in the pedagogical efforts aimed at 61 children with an… Year 2014 Authors Kaale, A. Fagerland, M. Martinsen, E. Smith, L. Source Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 53(2), 188-198. Subjects Autism Child Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Communication Intervention Kindergarten Language Mixed-method Norway Nursery RCT study Social Competence Title Aktionslæring i dagtilbud: Udvikling af pædagogers professionsviden, identitet og autonomi. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how action learning can help child carers verbalise their skills and knowledge. Additionally, the study focuses on how staff at daycare… Year 2010 Authors Pedersen, T. Koefoed-Nordentoft, N. og Olsson Source øbenhavn: Professionshøjskolen UCC. Subjects Action-based research Child carer/educaters Communication Competence Denmark Dialogue Kindergarten Language Nursery Professionalisation Qualitative study Title ”Ny i profesjonen. En observasjons- og intervjustudie av førskolelæreres videre kvalifisering det første året i yrket”. Purpose The purpose of this PhD dissertation is to examine how six newly qualified preschool teachers from six different preschools in Norway view their own skills and upgrading of… Year 2014 Author Eik, L.T. Source Doktoravhandlinger. Oslo: Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Subjects Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Cooperation with parents Didactics Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Professionalisation Qualitative study Title ”Long-run benefits from universal high-quality preschooling”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine what the quality of preschool means for children’s performance in their final examination when they leave Danish municipal primary and… Year 2014 Authors Bauchmüller, R. Gørtz, M. Rasmussen, A. Source Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 457-470. Subjects Denmark Economy Ethnicity Gender Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Organisation Qualitative study Quantitative study Transitions to school Title Sprogstimuleringsindsatsen for tosprogede småbørn. Purpose The purpose of the evaluation report is to provide an overview of language stimulation initiatives as well as their effect and to disseminate knowledge of good municipal… Year 2008 Author Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Source København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Subjects Case study Curriculum Denmark Evaluation Implementation Inclusion Intervention Language Mixed-method Multilingualism Nursery Policy Title Barnehagen som språklæringsarena: En kasusstudie av tre barnehagelæreres andrespråksdidaktiske praksiser. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine early childhood educators' work with language development for multilingual children in Norwegian daycare centres (barnehager) in order… Year 2013 Author Alstad, G.T. Source Universitetet i Oslo. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Ethnicity Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Learning process Multilingualism Norway Qualitative study Title Gratis kjernetid i barnehager. Sluttrapport. Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the "gratis kjernetid" (free core time) initiative. The initiative consists of a free offer of 20 hours of preschool ("barnehage") a… Year 2014 Authors Bråten, B. Drange, N. Haakestad, H. Telle, K. Source Oslo: Fafo-rapport 2014:44. Subjects Administration Attitude study Child Document study Economy Ethnicity Evaluation Language Learning process Manager Mixed-method Multilingualism Norway Parent/guardian Transitions to school Title Preschool morphological training produces long-term improvements in reading comprehension Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate long-term effects on children's reading comprehension of an intervention aimed at morphological awareness. The authors present… Year 2016 Author Lyster, S.H., Lervåg, A.O. & Hulme, C. Source Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 29, 1269-1288. ISBN 29255318 Subjects Child Intervention Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Norway Quantitative study Reading Transitions to school Title Immediate and Delayed Effects of Invented Writing Intervention in Preschool Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of a 10-week invented writing programme with 5-year-old preschoolers. Focus is on the children's phoneme awareness,… Year 2016 Author Hofslundsengen, H., Hagtvet, B. E., & Gustafsson, J. Source Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 29(7), 1473-1495. ISBN 29255308 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Goal-directed activities Intervention Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Quantitative study Reading Transitions to school Writing Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 21 Next 10 items