Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 89 items. Filters: Gender Title The Three Dimensions of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale: CFA Validation in a Preschool Sample. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the validity of the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale questionnaire, which consists of three sub-scales. The questionnaire is used… Year 2012 Authors Solheim, E. Berg-Nielsen, T.S. Wichstrøm, L. Source Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 30(3), 250-263. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Evaluation Gender Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Quantitative study Screening instrument Title ”Becoming a Preschool Child: Subjectification in Toddlers During Their Introduction to Preschool, from a Gender Perspective”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about children’s start at their daycare facility, focusing on subjectification from a gender perspective. The study… Year 2011 Author Månsson, A. Source International Journal of Early Childhood, 43, 7-22. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Gender Interaction Nursery Qualitative study Social Competence Socialisation Sweden Title ”Stability and change in prosocial and antisocial behavior across the transition to school: Teacher and peer perspectives”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine whether the transition from kindergarten to school has any influence on the social behaviour of children. The overall objective is to… Year 2010 Authors Eivers, A.R. Brendgen, M. og Borge Source Early Education and Development, 21(6), 843-864. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Gender Kindergarten Longitudinal study Norway Quantitative study Social Competence Transitions to school Title ”Språkkompetanse hos 4-åringer som har gått i barnehage. Foreløpige resultater fra forskningsprojektet Barns sociale utvikling.” Purpose This study has three purposes: 1) to study the correlation between the number of years children have attended preschool (barnehage) and children's language skills, 2) to study… Year 2014 Authors Zachrisson, H.D. Dearing, E. Zambrana, I.M. Nærde, A. Source Rapport til Utdanningsdirektoratet. Oslo: Atferdssenteret. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Gender Group size Kindergarten Language Learning process Longitudinal study Norway Nursery Quantitative study Social exposure Title Talking about children’s resistance to the institutional order and teachers in preschool. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine children's resistance to the social hierarchy in the kindergarten on the basis of child carers' accounts about children's behaviour in… Year 2010 Author Markstrom, A.-M. Source Journal of Early Childhood Research, 8(3), 303-314. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Discourse analysis Ethnographic study Evaluation Gender Inclusion Kindergarten Language Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Values Title “The Making of the Ordinary Child in Preschool”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how child carers and parents evaluate children in interviews with parents. The study examines how institutional order creates “the… Year 2011 Authors Alasuutari, M. Markström, A-M. Source Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(5), 517-535. Subjects Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Cooperation with parents Dialogue Discourse analysis Evaluation Gender Institutionalisation Kindergarten Nursery Parent/guardian Social Competence Socialisation Sweden Title Menn i barnehagen: muligheter og begrensninger. Finmark: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for pedagogiske og humanistiske fag. Purpose The purpose of this study is to contribute to the theoretical discussion of gender and masculinity, specifically in relation to men working in female occupations. In addition,… Year 2007 Author Hansen, J. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Gender Kindergarten Norway Qualitative study Title ”Early Childhood Education and care practitioners’ perception of children’s risky play; examining the influence of personality and gender". Purpose The purpose of this study is to illustrate how employees at 20 different daycare centres in Trondheim (Norway) perceive children's risky play, and how these perceptions relate… Year 2013 Author Sandseter, E.B.H. Source Early Child Development and Care, 184 (3), s. 434-449. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Equal opportunities Gender Kindergarten Norway Physical Environment Play Quantitative study The physical aspect Title Förskolan, barnen och framtiden. Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to contribute to and inform public debate on the extent to which Swedish children benefit from attending an ECEC centre. On the basis of… Year 2015 Author Bremberg, S. Source Tankeverksamheten inom Arbetarrörelsen i Göteborg. Subjects Child Cognitive competence Gender Institutionalisation Mapping Transitions to school Values Title Behavioral/Emotional Problems of Preschoolers: Caregiver/Teacher Reports From 15 Societies. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the society-related impacts (such as language and culture) of assessments by early childhood educators and teachers of behavioural… Year 2012 Author Rescorla, L.A. et al. Source Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 20(2), 68–81. Subjects Assessment Child carer/educaters Denmark Document study Emotional Competence Gender Kindergarten Language Mapping Nursery OECD-country Parent/guardian Quantitative study Screening instrument Social Competence Previous 10 items 1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next 10 items