Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 120 items. Filters: Cooperation with parents Title Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud - modelprogram: VIDA-forskningsrapport 1. Effekter af VIDA. Purpose The report illustrates the effect of a new intervention programme developed for and implemented in Danish daycare facilities. The main intervention consists of pedagogical… Year 2013 Authors Jensen, B. Jensen, P. Rasmussen A.W. Source Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik. Subjects Cognitive competence Cooperation Cooperation with parents Denmark Didactics Emotional Competence Friendship Further and continuing training Implementation Intervention Kindergarten Manager Organisation Quantitative study RCT study Social Competence Social exposure Title Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram: VIDA-forskningsrapport 3. Forældreinddragelse. Purpose This report is part of the reporting of the research project ‘Knowledge-Based Efforts for Socially Disadvantaged Children in Day-Care’ (VIDA). The overall objective of the VIDA… Year 2013 Author Kousholt, D & Berliner, P Source Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Communication Cooperation Cooperation with parents Denmark Dialogue Implementation Kindergarten Management Manager Organisation Qualitative study Quantitative study Title “Cultural identity and the kindergarten: a Norweigan case study”. Purpose This study addresses several issues regarding how preschools integrate children with another ethnic background than Norwegian. Among other things, the study examines the… Year 2014 Author Lauritsen, K. Source I: Ragnarsdóttir, H., Schmidt, C. (red.): Learning spaces for social justice: International perspectives on exemplary practices from preschool to secondary school. London: Institute of Education. 26-42. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Communication Competence Cooperation Cooperation with parents Document study Ethnicity Ethnographic study Inclusion Language Manager Norway Participation Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Title “The Making of the Ordinary Child in Preschool”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how child carers and parents evaluate children in interviews with parents. The study examines how institutional order creates “the… Year 2011 Authors Alasuutari, M. Markström, A-M. Source Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 55(5), 517-535. Subjects Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Cooperation with parents Dialogue Discourse analysis Evaluation Gender Institutionalisation Kindergarten Nursery Parent/guardian Social Competence Socialisation Sweden Title Utfordringer når foresatte skal medvirke på tjenestetilbudet til eget barn. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges faced by parents when participating in cross-disciplinary teaching plan teams which are to support children with… Year 2012 Authors Tveit, A.D. Cameron, D.L. Source Nordic Studies in Education 32, 321-332. Subjects Administration Case study Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Cooperation with parents Curriculum Ethnographic study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Parent/guardian Physical disability Qualitative study Title Den norske mor og barn-undersøkelsen. Variasjon i barnehagekvalitet. Beskrivelser fra første datainnsamling fra barnehagene. Purpose The purpose of this publication is to present preliminary results of the variation in quality of daycare centres for 5-year-olds in a selection of Norwegian daycare centres… Year 2013 Authors Lekhal, R. Vartun, M. Gustavson, K. Helland, S. S. Wang, M. V. Schjølber, S. Source Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitut, Oslo. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cohort study Cooperation Cooperation with parents Didactics Emotional Competence Friendship Kindergarten Learning process Management Management and organisation in ECEC Manager Norway Organisation Phenomenological study Quantitative study Title “Preschool teachers’ views on competence in the context of home and preschool collaboration”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to contribute to better understanding of the requirements for cooperation between the preschool and the home. This is done by investigating how… Year 2014 Authors Vuorinen, T. Sandberg, A. Sheridan, S. Williams, P. Source Early Child Development and Care, 184(1), 149-159. Subjects Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Cooperation with parents Dialogue Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Parent/guardian Qualitative study Sweden Title Daycare Staff Emotions and Coping Related to Children of Divorce: A Q Methodological Study. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate how daycare staff experience working with children whose parents have been divorced. The study examines the experience of divorce… Year 2012 Authors Øverland, K. Størksen, I. Bru, E. Thorsen, A.A. Source Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2012, 1-23. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation with parents Cross-sectional study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Title Effekter af "Familiepladser og basispladser" : udvikling af mellemformer til udsatte børn i dagtilbud i Københavns Kommune 2007-2009. Purpose The objective of this study is to investigate whether the development of intermediate types, Familiepladser (family places) and Basispladser (basic places), which are places at… Year 2009 Authors Jensen, B. Brandi, U. Kragh, A. Source København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation with parents Denmark Ethnographic study Implementation Inequality Interaction Intervention Kindergarten Language Learning process Manager Mixed-method Nursery Parent/guardian Screening instrument Social Competence Social exposure Wellbeing Title Teachers’ Experience and Management of Young Children Treated Because of Home Conduct Problems: A qualitative study. Purpose The purpose of this study is to descriptively examine how teachers and child carers handle children with behavioural problems at schools and daycare centres. Specifically, the… Year 2008 Author Drugli, M.B.; Clifford, G.; Larsson, B. Source Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 52 (3) S. 279-291. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Cooperation with parents Cross-disciplinary collaboration Ethnographic study Kindergarten Norway Qualitative study Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 12 Next 10 items