Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 217 items. Filters: Organisation Title Det var en gang et sykehus: Eller kommer det an på størrelsen? Evaluering av oppstarten av barnehagen Sophies Hage. Purpose The objective of this evaluation project is to provide city council personnel and parents with a status report on the start-up phase of the Sophies Hage kindergarten for more… Year 2006 Authors Gulbrandsen, Å.; Moser T.; Pettersvold, M; Vintervold, A. L. Source Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cooperation Ethnographic study Evaluation Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Physical Environment Title ”Åpne barnehager i Norge. Organisering, bruk og betydning”. Purpose This report presents the results from a report on staffed playgroups (for children and their parents/guardians) in Norway. The purpose of the report is to provide an overview… Year 2014 Authors Haugset, A. Gotvassli, K. Ljunggren, B. Stene, M. Source Rapport 2014:9. Steinkjer: Trøndelag Forskning og Utvikling. Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation Document study Economy Interpersonal relation Mixed-method Norway Organisation Parent/guardian Play Qualitative study Quantitative study Title Kvalitet og kvantitet. Kvalitet i en barnehagesektor i sterk vekst. Purpose This study is the third study in a series on quality in Norwegian kindergartens. The Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research aims to identify and update knowledge about… Year 2009 Author Winsvold, A. Source Oslo: NOVA. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Documentation Evaluation History Kindergarten Language Learning process Manager Mapping Norway Nursery Organisation Quantitative study Title Kostnadsforskjeller i barnehagesektoren: TF-rapport nr. 243. Purpose This study assesses the differences in costs in the kindergarten sector, with particular emphasis on the differences between public and private kindergartens in Norway. Year 2008 Author Håkonsen, L.; Lunder T. E. Source Telemark: Høgskolen i Telemark. Subjects Economy Kindergarten Mapping Norway Nursery Organisation Payment by parents Policy Quantitative study Title Børnehavens betydning for børns udvikling. En forskningsoversigt. Purpose The objective of this study is to examine whether children in kindergarten develop differently than children who are not in kindergarten. Furthermore, the study examines… Year 2009 Author Albæk Nielsen, A.; Nygård Christoffersen, M. Source København: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd. Subjects Child Cooperation with parents Emotional Competence Interaction Kindergarten Mapping OECD-country Organisation Social Competence Social exposure Title Svenske førskolelærere om læring i planlegging og praksis relatert til den nasjonale læreplanen. Purpose The objective of this article is to elucidate, analyse and question a group of Swedish social pedagogues in kindergarten and their perception of their own pedagogical planning… Year 2009 Author Alvestad, M.; Berge, A. Source Nordisk barnehageforskning, 2(2), S. 57-68. Subjects Attitude study Child Co-decision making Competence Curriculum Democracy Didactics Hermeneutic study Interaction Learning process Organisation Qualitative study Sweden Values Title Föräldrars val och inställning till förskola och fritidshem: Resultat från föräldraundersökningen 2012. Purpose The purpose of this study is to elucidate which daycare facilities - kindergartens and daycare in private homes (förskola, pedagogisk omsorg) – are used by parents from… Year 2013 Author Skolverket. Source Stockholm: Skolverket. Subjects Attitude study Care Child Kindergarten Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Quantitative study Sweden Title “Professional Boundaries. The Case of Childcare Workers in Norway”. Purpose The purpose of this dissertation is to examine professionalism among staff at Norwegian preschools. This is done by examining whether attitudes among preschool staff express… Year 2014 Author Løvgren, M. Source PhD thesis. Oslo: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA). Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Gender Health Norway Organisation Pedagogical assistant Professionalisation Quantitative study Title Vidensbaseret indsats over for udsatte børn i dagtilbud – modelprogram. Statusrapport 2. Baseline. Purpose The purpose of this report, which is part of the research project ‘Knowledge-based Efforts for Socially Disadvantaged Children in Day-care’ (VIDA), is overall to examine… Year 2011 Author Jensen, B., Holm, A., Wang, C., Kousholt, D., Ravn, I., Søgaard Larsen, M., Steiner Rasmussen, O., Berliner, P., Yung Andersen, T. & Brandi Source VIDA-forskningsserien 2011:3 Subjects Cooperation with parents Denmark Intervention Kindergarten Manager Mixed-method Organisation RCT study Social exposure Title “The demand for flexibility as a process of disenfranchisement”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the implications the increased demand for flexibility have for managers and staff at daycare centres. Flexibility means the ability to… Year 2011 Authors Petersen, A. Willig, R. Source Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 12(3), 343-362. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Denmark Labour market Manager Organisation Qualitative study Socialisation Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 22 Next 10 items