Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 142 items. Filters: Curriculum Title The Playing Learning Child: Towards a pedagogy of early childhood. Purpose This study is a theoretical article designed to examine the basis and nature of children's play and learning in kindergarten and the early school years. Then the study will… Year 2008 Author Samuelsson, I. P.; Carlsson, M. A. Source Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 52 (6) S. 623-641. Subjects Child Childhood vision Curriculum Kindergarten Learning process Mapping Play Qualitative study Sweden Title Från samhällsmoder till forskarbehörig lärare: Kontinuitet och förändring i en lokal förskollärarutbildning. Purpose The purpose of this study is to elucidate the structural conceptions in a local social education programme from the beginning of the 20th century and into the 21st century. The… Year 2008 Author Tellgren, B. Source Örebro: Örebro universitet. Subjects Attitude study Curriculum Document study History Organisation Policy Qualitative study Sweden University colleges Title Lek och läroplan: Möten mellan barn och lärare i förskola och skola. Purpose The objective of this study is to contribute knowledge on the relationship between play and learning, and to examine the significance of these for children, child carers and… Year 2006 Author Johansson, E.; Samuelsson I. P. Source Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Curriculum Ethnographic study Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Learning process Nursery Play Qualitative study Sweden Title Engagerade i världens bästa? Lärande för hållbarhet i förskolan. Purpose The objective of this study is to gain knowledge about pedagogical work on sustainability in Swedish daycare centres (förskola). The study focusses on how children perceive… Year 2013 Author Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Curriculum Document study Kindergarten Natural Science Outdoor activity Physical Environment Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Nuets didaktik. Förskolans lärare talar om läroplan för de yngsta”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about how child carers who work with children aged 0 to 3 years perceive and describe the curriculum at daycare facilities.… Year 2011 Author Jonsson, A. Source Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Curriculum Dialogue Nursery Play Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Pedagogerna och Jämställdheten. Purpose This study aims to describe and discuss various thoughts and ideas on equality (“jämställdhet”) in the Swedish preschools and primary schools in the light of control documents… Year 2009 Author Wernersson, I. Source I: Wernersson (red): Genus i förskola och skola: förändringar i policy, perspektiv och praktik. Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Curriculum Equal opportunities Gender Kindergarten Mixed-method Nursery Parent/guardian Policy Sweden Values Title Att skapa läroplan för de yngsta barnen i förskolan: Barns perspektiv och nuets didaktik. Purpose On the basis of the early childhood educators' experiences from their work with curricula, the purpose of this study is to examine the conditions for children's learning in six… Year 2013 Author Jonsson, A. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Communication Curriculum Didactics Ethnographic study Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Sweden Title Sprogstimuleringsindsatsen for tosprogede småbørn. Purpose The purpose of the evaluation report is to provide an overview of language stimulation initiatives as well as their effect and to disseminate knowledge of good municipal… Year 2008 Author Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Source København: Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut. Subjects Case study Curriculum Denmark Evaluation Implementation Inclusion Intervention Language Mixed-method Multilingualism Nursery Policy Title Etikk i praksis. Barn med samspillsvansker og medvirkning i barnehagen. Purpose The purpose of this study is to elucidate the choices and dilemmas faced by daycare staff in their pedagogical practice with children with social-interaction difficulties. Year 2012 Author Åmot, I. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 5(18), 1-11. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Curriculum Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Norway Participation Pedagogical assistant Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Social Competence Title Tio år efter förskolereformen: Nationell utvärdering av förskolan. Purpose Year 2008 Author Skolverket Source Stockholm: Skolverket. Subjects Attitude study Case study Cross-sectional study Curriculum Documentation Evaluation Implementation Kindergarten Mixed-method Nursery Policy Sweden Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 15 Next 10 items