Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 322 items. Filters: Learning process Title Att stöda pedagogers relationella professionalism genom forskningscirklar Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate how educators within the field of early childhood education and pre-school teaching experience that working in research circles can… Year 2019 Author Furu, A-C., Sandvik, M. Subjects Action-based research Assessment Care Child carer/educaters Cooperation Didactics Learning process Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title Læreroppfatninger om endring. En studie av barnehagelæreres perspektiver på språkdidaktisk utviklingsarbeid Purpose The study investigates and discusses kindergarten teachers’ perspectives on language didactic development work in kindergartens. The research questions are: 1) What type of… Year 2020 Author Alstad, G. T., Randen, G. T., Aasen, S. F. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Case study Child carer/educaters Didactics Further and continuing training Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Nursery Professionalisation Qualitative study Title Observation as a professional tool in Norwegian kindergartens and kindergarten teacher education Purpose The purpose of the study is to obtain knowledge about the use of observation as a tool in kindergarten teachers’ work and in kindergarten teacher education. The study also… Year 2020 Author Birkeland, J., Baste, V. & Ødegaard, E. E. Subjects Child carer/educaters Cross-sectional study Kindergarten Learning process Management Norway Nursery Organisation Professionalisation Quantitative study Title Does transformational leadership stimulate user orientation? Evidence from a field experiment Purpose The study investigates how the use of transformational leadership can be used by kindergarten coordinators to reinforce employees’ motivation by getting them to focus on the… Year 2020 Author Bro, L. L. & Jensen, U. T. Subjects Child carer/educaters Denmark Didactics Kindergarten Learning process Management Manager Mixed-method Nursery Professionalisation RCT study Title Kollaborativt berättande med interaktiv skrivtavla i förskoleklassen – en multimodal historia Purpose The purpose of the study is to increase the expertise that exists regarding the linguistic process that occurs when children create their own stories using interactive… Year 2020 Author Åberg, E. S. & Andersson, A. L. Subjects Case study Case-control study Child Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Communication Competence Creativity Dialogue Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Drawing Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Language Learning process Observational Studies Pre-school class Qualitative study Reading Sweden Writing Title Å styrke fysisk aktiv lek i barnehagen – evaluering av et intervensjonsdesign basert på en høy grad av personaldeltagelse Purpose The study discusses a context-adapted intervention design that was used to increase physically active play in kindergarten. The staff in the kindergartens were themselves… Year 2020 Author Øvreås, S., Andersen, E., Moser, T., Borch-Jenssen, J. & Jørgensen, K.-A. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Kindergarten Learning process Norway Nursery Pedagogical assistant Pedagogical staff Physical activity Play Professionalisation Qualitative study Skilled worker Title Hur tänkte du nu? Digitala verktyg och kollegiala lärprocesser i förskolan Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten teachers, through a collegial, experimental approach, can understand, change and improve learning situations in which digital tools are… Year 2020 Author Forsling, K. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation Curriculum Didactics Digital tools Kindergarten Learning process Observational Studies Professionalisation Qualitative study Sweden Title ’Hva ser vi?’ Om betydningen av den reflekterte observatør Purpose The study investigates how and why observation is conducted in kindergartens. The researcher investigates how kindergarten teachers are characterised by their prior knowledge,… Year 2020 Author Frønes, M. H. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Child carer/educaters Kindergarten Learning process Norway Nursery Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Professionalisation Qualitative study Title Shared Book Reading in Preschool Supports Bilingual Children’s Second-Language Learning: A Cluster-Randomized Trial Purpose The study investigates the effect of a shared book reading intervention (Extend) on bilingual kindergarten children’s majority language development. The research questions… Year 2020 Author Grøver, V., Rydland, V., Gustaffson, J.-E. & Snow, C. E. Subjects Books Child Child carer/educaters Cognitive competence Communication Competence Concept of formative development/education Dialogue Didactics Emotional Competence Ethnicity Goal-directed activities Identity Inclusion Indoor activity Inequality Intervention Kindergarten Language Learning process Library Multilingualism Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Participation Professionalisation Quantitative study RCT study Reading Reading aloud Values Title A swing and a child: how scientific phenomena can come to matter for preschool children’s emergent science identities” Purpose The study investigates how the understanding of physical phenomena is affected by children’s interaction with objects and physical laws associated with the object. The study… Year 2020 Author Günther-Hanssen, A. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Cognitive competence Competence Didactics Ethnographic study Gender Identity Kindergarten Learning process Motory activity Natural Science Observational Studies Outdoor activity Physical activity Play Qualitative study Sweden Previous 10 items 1 ... 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Next 10 items