Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 533 items. Title Entrepreneurial Learning in Education: Preschool as a Take-Off for the Entrepreneurial Self. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the pedagogical practices supporting or impeding development of entrepreneurial skills in children at a Swedish preschool. In addition… Year 2015 Authors Axelsson, K. Hägglund, S. Sandberg, A. Source Journal of Education and Training 2(2), 40-58. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Dialogue Entrepreneurship Further and continuing training Identity Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Learning process Participation Physical Environment Play Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Wellbeing Title Ethical Issues in Pedagogical Documentation: Representations of Children Through Digital Technology. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate two ethical standards related to daycare facilities, as presented in OECD reports. The first standard is “respecting the individual… Year 2012 Author Lindgren, A.-L. Source International Journal of Early Childhood 44, 327-340. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Digital tools Document study Documentation Further and continuing training Kindergarten Nursery Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Sweden Values Title ”Teachers talking to young children: Investigations to negotiate meanings in everyday conversations”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about how kindergarten teachers can support children's learning of language and the importance of language in terms of… Year 2010 Author Gjems, L. Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 18(2), 139-148. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Participation Qualitative study Title From Doing to Learning: Changed Focus during a Pre-School Learning Study Project on Organic Decomposition. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how the Learning Study (LS) model is used to develop learning about natural sciences topics, more specifically organic processes of… Year 2014 Authors Ljung-Djärf, A. Magnusson, A. Peterson, S. Source International Journal of Science Education, 36(4), 659-676. Subjects Action-based research Child Child carer/educaters Didactics Evaluation Goal-directed activities Intervention Kindergarten Learning process Mixed-method Natural Science Participation Sweden Title Barns perspektiver på demokrati i barnehagen. Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain insight into children's perspectives on democracy in kindergarten, as well as their experiences of democratic participation and… Year 2015 Author Pettersvold, M. Source Utbildning & demokrati 24(2), 91–109. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Curriculum Democracy Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Inequality Kindergarten Norway Nursery Organisation Participation Qualitative study Title Accelerometer Measured Level of Physical Activity Indoors and Outdoors During Preschool Time in Sweden and the United States. Purpose The purpose of this study is to compare the physical level of activity of Swedish and American children in daycare as well as objectively investigate differences between indoor… Year 2012 Author Raustorp, A. et al. Source Journal of Physical Activity & Health 9(6), 801-808. Subjects Child Cross-sectional study Gender Indoor activity Kindergarten Motory activity Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Physical Environment Quantitative study Sweden Title A Survey of Swedish Teachers’ Concerns for Preschool Children at Risk of Maltreatment. Purpose The aim of this study is to identify the extent to which children at risk of maltreatment at home are identified and offered support in preschools. Year 2015 Authors Svensson, B. Andershed, H. Janson, S. Source Early Childhood Education Journal 43(6), 495-503. Subjects Assessment Attitude study Care Child Child carer/educaters Documentation Kindergarten Manager Parent/guardian Quantitative study Social exposure Sweden Wellbeing Title ”Nyutdannede pedagogiske lederes mestring og appropriering av barnehagens kulturelle redskaper. En kvalitativ studie av nyutdannede førskolelæreres kompetansebygging det første året i yrket”. Purpose The purpose of this dissertation is to shed light on how newly qualified pedagogical managers master and acquire the cultural tools of the daycare centre. Many newly qualified… Year 2011 Author Ødegård, E. Source Oslo: Unipub. Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Competence Ethnographic study Management Manager Norway Professionalisation Qualitative study Socialisation Title At blive et børnehavebarn: En minoritetsdrengs sprog, interaktion og deltagelse i børnefællesskabet. Purpose This dissertation concerns socialisation in kindergarten in connection with language development. The purpose of the dissertation is to provide new insights into the language… Year 2008 Author Karrebæk, M. S. Source København: Københavns Universitet. Subjects Case study Child Denmark Ethnicity Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Language Participation Qualitative study Socialisation Title Måltidsfellesskap i barnehagen – Demokratiets vugge?: En studie av samtaler med ansatte på småbarnsavdelinger. Purpose The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a perspective on mealtime situations in an ECEC setting (barnehage). These situations are assumed to be regulated by cultural and… Year 2015 Author Tofteland, B. Source Doktorgradsavhandling. Universitetet i Stavanger. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Democracy Dialogue Ethnographic study Food and meals Identity Indoor activity Interaction Interpersonal relation Norway Nursery Qualitative study Previous 10 items 1 ... 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ... 54 Next 10 items