Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 105 items. Filters: Wellbeing Title Kindergartens: inclusive spaces for all children? Purpose The study explores how children, both those with and without disabilities, create inclusive spaces in different physical places in kindergarten. The research questions are: 1)… Year 2021 Author Ytterhus, B., Åmot, I. Subjects Child Child perspectives Cross-sectional study Inclusion Kindergarten Norway Physical Environment Physical disability Qualitative study Wellbeing Title Barns trivsel og medvirkning i barnehagen. Barn, foreldre og ansattes perspektiver. Purpose The purpose of the project was to examine which factors can contribute to creating happy or unhappy children in daycare. The factors examined were: the feeling of interaction… Year 2012 Authors Bratterud, Å. Sandseter, E.B.H. Seland, M. Source Trondheim: NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS. ISBN 978-82-91927-19-0 Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Management Mixed-method Norway Nursery Organisation Parent/guardian Participation Wellbeing Title Kvalitet i barnehager: Rapport fra en undersøkelse av strukturell kvalitet høsten 2012. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in the structural quality of Norwegian daycare centres (barnehagen) over a longer period from 2002 to 2012. Structural… Year 2013 Authors Gulbrandsen, L. Eliassen, E. Source Oslo: Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring (NOVA). Subjects Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cross-sectional study Implementation Kindergarten Manager Norway Organisation Physical Environment Quantitative study Wellbeing Title ”Trivsel og kvalitet i barnehagen”. Purpose The objective of the report is to describe development work at daycare centres ("barnehage") which has been done at seven municipalities in Oppland, Norway. The aim is to… Year 2014 Authors Lekhal, R. Vigmostad, I. Source Oppdragsrapport nr. 6-2014. Elverum: Høgskolen i Hedmark. Subjects Attitude study Child Child perspectives Cross-sectional study Kindergarten Language Learning process Norway Organisation Parent/guardian Quantitative study Social Competence Wellbeing Title Daginstitutionens betydning for udsatte børn og deres familier i ghetto-lignende boligområder. Purpose This study is about the work and impact of daycare facilities when the daycare facility is physically located in an ethnically diverse housing area. The purpose of this study… Year 2012 Authors Jensen, N.R. Petersen, K.E. Wind, A.K. Source Institut for Uddannelse og Pædagogik (DPU), Aarhus Universitet. ISBN 978-87-7684-953-5 Subjects Attitude study Care Child Child carer/educaters Cooperation with parents Denmark Ethnicity Ethnographic study Kindergarten Manager Nursery Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Physical Environment Qualitative study Social exposure Wellbeing Title Kommuners rutiner og praksis for å følge opp ulykker/hendelser som medfører skader på barn i barnehager. Rapport fra DMMH til Utdanningsdirektoratet. Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain greater insight into what constitutes successful procedures in public and private preschools ("barnhage") and in the municipalities, which… Year 2014 Authors Sando, O. Lundheim, R. Sandseter, E. Pareliussen, I. Source Trondheim: Dronning Mauds minne, Høgskole for Barnehagelærerutdanning. Subjects Administration Child Health Kindergarten Norway Nursery Policy Qualitative study Wellbeing Title Evaluering av 2-årskontakten i barnehagene i Hamar kommune. Purpose This study is an evaluation of the Norwegian municipality of Hamar's pilot scheme to transfer health checks for two-year-olds from health centres to kindergartens. The… Year 2008 Author Schanke, T.; Andersen, T. Source Lillehammer: Østlandsforskning. Subjects Cooperation Cross-disciplinary collaboration Document study Evaluation Health Kindergarten Norway Nursery Organisation Qualitative study The physical aspect Wellbeing Title ”Daginstitutionens betydning for børns udvikling – en forskningsoversigt”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine and describe Danish and international research results that elucidate how attending daycare can impact a child in the short and long… Year 2014 Authors Christoffersen, M.N. Højen-Sørensen, A. Laugesen, L. Source København: SFI – Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd, 14:23. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Group size Interaction Kindergarten Labour market Learning process Mixed-method Norway Nursery OECD-country Organisation Pedagogical assistant Sweden Systematic review/mapping Wellbeing Title De er mange, de er motiverte, de er menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehage: sluttrapport fra prosjektet "Menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehager". Purpose The report aims to identify the characteristics of men employed in nature kindergartens, and to find positive aspects that can lead to increased recruitment of men for early… Year 2007 Author Lysklett, O. B.; Emilsen, K. Source Trondheim: Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for førskolelærerutdanning. Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Identity Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Organisation Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Wellbeing Title Quality of outdoor environment influence children's health: A cross-sectional study of preschools. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how the quality of the outdoor environment in Swedish daycare centres influences children's health and well-being. Year 2013 Authors Söderström, M. Boldemann, C. Sahlin, U. Source Acta Paediatrica, 102 (1), 83-91. Subjects Assessment Child Cross-sectional study Health Kindergarten Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Parent/guardian Physical Environment Quantitative study Sweden The physical aspect Wellbeing Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 11 Next 10 items