Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 41 items. Filters: Equal opportunities Title "Vi manliga lärare": Folkskolans lärare och lärarinnor i kamp om löner och arbetsområden 1920-1963. Purpose The study is a historical analysis of the construction of a trade union for school teachers in Sweden - a process which began in 1963. In particular, this study focuses on the… Year 2007 Author Sparrlöf, G. Source Linköping: Linköpings Universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskab och lärende. Subjects Equal opportunities Gender History Organisation Quantitative study Sweden Title “How Are Notions of Childcare Similar or Different among American, Chinese, Japanese and Swedish Teachers?”. Purpose The purpose of this article is to examine similarities and differences between American, Chinese, Japanese and Swedish child carers’ perceptions of childcare. Year 2011 Authors Izumi-Taylor, S. Lee, Y.Y. Franceschini, L. Source Research in Comparative and International Education, 6(2), 183-200. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Cohort study Comparative analysis Equal opportunities Gender Kindergarten OECD-country Professionalisation Quantitative study Sweden Title Barns perspektiver på demokrati i barnehagen. Purpose The purpose of this study is to gain insight into children's perspectives on democracy in kindergarten, as well as their experiences of democratic participation and… Year 2015 Author Pettersvold, M. Source Utbildning & demokrati 24(2), 91–109. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Curriculum Democracy Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Inequality Kindergarten Norway Nursery Organisation Participation Qualitative study Title Preschool as an Arena of Gender Policies: The Examples of Sweden and Scotland. Purpose The objective of this study is to compare and analyse constructions of staff responsibilities to promote gender equality in preschool in Swedish and Scottish state policies… Year 2009 Author Edström, C. Source European Educational Research Journal, 8(4), S. 534-549. Subjects Comparative analysis Cross-sectional study Curriculum Discourse analysis Document study Equal opportunities Gender History Kindergarten Nursery OECD-country Policy Qualitative study Sweden Title Menns yrkesidentitet i natur- og friluftbarnehager. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the professional identity of men in kindergarten. The study examines the reason that men choose to work at kindergartens; what they… Year 2007 Author Emilsen, K.; Lysklett, O. B. Source I: Guldal, T. M., Karlsen, G., Løkken, G., Rønning, F. og Steen-Olsen, T. (red). Fou i praksis 2006 (S. 61-70). Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Identity Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Wellbeing Title En likvärdig förskola för alla barn: innebörder och indikatorer. Purpose The purpose of this study is to collect knowledge on equivalence in preschools. The concept of equivalence is connected to the aim of promoting social equality. Additionally,… Year 2015 Author Persson, S. Source Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Competence Cooperation with parents Equal opportunities Equality Ethnicity Further and continuing training Inclusion Inequality Institutionalisation Interaction Interpersonal relation Learning process Mapping Organisation Social inheritance Sweden Title Likestilt og forskjellig? Om menn og likestilling i barnehagen. Purpose The aim of this study is to illustrate conflicts in connection with expectations to men's role in Norwegian ECEC (barnehager). The study examines how male students and… Year 2015 Authors Kasin, O. Slåtten, M.V. Source Nordisk barnehageforskning 9(8), 1-16. Subjects Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Gender Identity Inequality Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Labour market Manager Norway Qualitative study Title Do increased availability and reduced cost of early childhood care and education narrow social inequality gaps in utilization? Evidence from Norway. Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to examine whether increased availability and reduced cost of early childhood education and care (ECEC) for children under the age of 3… Year 2015 Authors Sibley, E. Dearing, E. Toppelberg, C.O. Mykletun, A. Zachrisson, H.D. Source International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 9(1), 1. Subjects Child Cohort study Economy Equal opportunities Inequality Institutionalisation Labour market Norway Parent/guardian Payment by parents Policy Quantitative study Social exposure Title Menn i barnehagen: muligheter og begrensninger. Finmark: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for pedagogiske og humanistiske fag. Purpose The purpose of this study is to contribute to the theoretical discussion of gender and masculinity, specifically in relation to men working in female occupations. In addition,… Year 2007 Author Hansen, J. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Gender Kindergarten Norway Qualitative study Title Mænd og daginstitutionsarbejdets modernisering. Purpose The objective of this PhD dissertation is primarily to clarify ‘Why do daycare centres seem to be so interested in recruiting male employees?’ This question is broken down… Year 2006 Author Nielsen, S. B. Source Roskilde: RUC. Subjects Child carer/educaters Denmark Document study Equal opportunities Ethnographic study History Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 Next 10 items