Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 89 items. Filters: Gender Title De er mange, de er motiverte, de er menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehage: sluttrapport fra prosjektet "Menn i natur- og friluftsbarnehager". Purpose The report aims to identify the characteristics of men employed in nature kindergartens, and to find positive aspects that can lead to increased recruitment of men for early… Year 2007 Author Lysklett, O. B.; Emilsen, K. Source Trondheim: Dronning Mauds Minne Høgskole for førskolelærerutdanning. Subjects Care Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Gender Identity Kindergarten Mixed-method Norway Organisation Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Wellbeing Title Flere end to slags børn: En rapport om køn og ligestilling i børnehaven. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which stereotypical gender roles dominate Danish kindergartens and how they are manifested in the interactions between… Year 2008 Author Kofoed, J.; Olesen, J.; Aggerholm, K. Source København: Learning Lab Denmark, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Denmark Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Gender Identity Interaction Kindergarten Qualitative study Title ”Genuspedagogers berättelser om makt och kontroll”. Purpose Based on reports of power and influence by teachers specialised in gender equality, the purpose of this dissertation is to describe and analyse these teachers’ access to power… Year 2014 Author Arvidson, C. Source Akademisk avhandling i Pedagogik, Avdelningen för utbildningsvetenskap. Härnösand: Mittuniversitetet. Subjects Child carer/educaters Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Gender Identity Inequality Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Preschoolers' psychosocial problems: In the eyes of the beholder? Adding teacher characteristics as determinants of discrepant parent-teacher reports”. Purpose The primary purpose of this study is to examine factors that come into play in parent-child carer (dis)agreement on children’s psychological problems. The study also examines… Year 2011 Authors Berg-Nielsen, T.S. Solheim, E. Belsky, J. Wichstrøm, L. Source Child Psychiatry Hum Dev, 43, 393–413. Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Cohort study Gender Norway Quantitative study Social Competence Title ”Long-run benefits from universal high-quality preschooling”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine what the quality of preschool means for children’s performance in their final examination when they leave Danish municipal primary and… Year 2014 Authors Bauchmüller, R. Gørtz, M. Rasmussen, A. Source Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 457-470. Subjects Denmark Economy Ethnicity Gender Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Organisation Qualitative study Quantitative study Transitions to school Title Pedagogerna och Jämställdheten. Purpose This study aims to describe and discuss various thoughts and ideas on equality (“jämställdhet”) in the Swedish preschools and primary schools in the light of control documents… Year 2009 Author Wernersson, I. Source I: Wernersson (red): Genus i förskola och skola: förändringar i policy, perspektiv och praktik. Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet. Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Curriculum Equal opportunities Gender Kindergarten Mixed-method Nursery Parent/guardian Policy Sweden Values Title Kan Batman vara rosa? – färg, rörelser och röst som markörer då förskolebarn ’gör’ kön. Purpose The study focuses on the practices and negotiations of children in connection with ‘being a boy' and ‘being a girl' through specific markers in their play at being a hero… Year 2008 Author Hellman, A. Source I: Nordberg, A. Maskulinitet på schemat. Stockholm: Liber. Subjects Child Ethnographic study Gender Kindergarten Play Qualitative study Sweden The physical aspect Title Att göra sig gällande. Mångfald i förskolebarns kamratkulturer. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe, analyse and understand how children at daycare facilities construct cultural diversity in their interaction with one another. Year 2012 Author Olausson, A. Source Ph.d.-afhandling. Umeå universitet, institutionen for tillämpad utbildningsvetenskap. ISBN 978-91-7459-363-1 Subjects Child Competence Ethnographic study Friendship Gender Interaction Kindergarten Nursery Play Qualitative study Sweden Title Relasjonell mobbing blant jenter i barnehagen Purpose The purpose of this report is to examine and discuss how the phenomenon of bullying is constructed in different contexts among girls in kindergarten. The author re-analyses the… Year 2010 Author Helgesen, M.B. Source HiF-rapport 2010:4. Høgskolen i Finnmark. ISBN 978-82-7938-156-3 Subjects Bullying Child Child carer/educaters Discourse analysis Ethnographic study Friendship Gender Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Participation Play Qualitative study Social Competence Title Motor-life-skills of toddlers: a comparative study of Norwegian and British boys and girls applying the Early Years Movement Skills Checklist Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine whether there are differences in the motor-life skills of boys and girls at ECEC institutions. Children use their motor-life skills to… Year 2016 Author Moser, T., & Reikerås, E. Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 24, 115-135. ISBN 29255324 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Comparative analysis Cross-sectional study Gender Indoor activity Kindergarten Motory activity Norway Nursery Outdoor activity Pedagogical assistant Physical activity Quantitative study The physical aspect Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 9 Next 10 items