Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 36 items. Filters: Economy Title Religiøse spiseforskrifter i barnehagen. En kvalitativ undersøkelse om barnehagers strategier for tilpasning i møte med islamske spiseforskrifter Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine what strategies ECEC centres choose to meet requirements from parents regarding religious eating regulations. Year 2017 Author Andreassen, B., & Øvrebø, E. M. Source Tidsskrift for Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 16(1), 1-15. Subjects Attitude study Cooperation with parents Economy Ethnicity Food and meals Kindergarten Manager Norway Nursery Organisation Qualitative study Values Title Caring for Children in a Welfare State. Purpose The dissertation consists of four articles, of which two are included in this report, namely articles two and three. The purpose of article two is to examine the effect of an… Year 2012 Author Drange, N. Source Örebro universitet. Subjects Administration Case-control study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Cross-sectional study Didactics Economy Ethnicity Ethnographic study Interaction Intervention Kindergarten Language Learning process Manager Motory activity Multilingualism Music Norway Nursery Participation Play Policy Qualitative study Quantitative study Social exposure Social inheritance The physical aspect Title “The funding of early care and education programmes in Sweden, 1845–1943”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the funding of care and education programmes in the years 1845-1943, includingthe significance of donations, inheritance and… Year 2011 Author Westberg, J. Source History of Education: Journal of the History of Education Society, 40(4), 465-479. Subjects Document study Economy History Kindergarten Nursery Qualitative study Sweden Title Inklusion i daginstitutioner: mellem pædagogik og arbejdsmiljø. Purpose The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of successful inclusion of children with special needs in ECEC settings for 0-6-year-olds, and the occupational… Year 2015 Authors Albertsen, K. Kjær, B. Limborg, H.J. Fournaise, M. Source Valby: TeamArbejdsliv. Subjects Administration Care Child Child carer/educaters Communication Cooperation Cooperation with parents Denmark Dialogue Economy Ethnographic study Kindergarten Management Manager Organisation Parent/guardian Pedagogical assistant Physical Environment Qualitative study Title Barnehagetilbudet til barn med særlige behov: Undersøkelse av tilbudet til barn med særlige behov under opplæringspliktig alder. Purpose This report aims to map the content and the organisation of services provided to 3-5-year-old children with special needs in kindergarten (barnehage). The report specifically… Year 2015 Authors Wendelborg, C. Caspersen, J. Kittelsaa, A.M. Svendsen, S. Haugset, A.S. Kongsvik, T. Reiling, R.B. Source NTNU Samfunnsforskning. Subjects Administration Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Document study Documentation Economy Evaluation Institutionalisation Kindergarten Longitudinal study Manager Mixed-method Norway Organisation Parent/guardian Title Do increased availability and reduced cost of early childhood care and education narrow social inequality gaps in utilization? Evidence from Norway. Purpose The overall purpose of this study is to examine whether increased availability and reduced cost of early childhood education and care (ECEC) for children under the age of 3… Year 2015 Authors Sibley, E. Dearing, E. Toppelberg, C.O. Mykletun, A. Zachrisson, H.D. Source International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 9(1), 1. Subjects Child Cohort study Economy Equal opportunities Inequality Institutionalisation Labour market Norway Parent/guardian Payment by parents Policy Quantitative study Social exposure Title Da kvaliteten kom til småbørnsinstitutionerne: beretninger om hvordan det går til, når kvalitet på det småbørnspædagogiske område skal vides og styres. Purpose This dissertation explores how quality reporting is carried out in ECEC centres. The research questions are: What happens when ‘quality’, ‘effects’ and ‘results’ become the… Year 2015 Author Togsverd, L. Source Doctoral dissertation, Forskerskolen for Livslang Læring, Institut for Psykologi og Uddannelsesforskning, Roskilde Universitet. Subjects Administration Care Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Communication Cooperation Denmark Dialogue Didactics Documentation Economy Ethnographic study Evaluation Implementation Interaction Kindergarten Management Manager Organisation Play Policy Professionalisation Qualitative study Wellbeing Title Children's collaborative encounters in pre-school. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate children’s different types of collaboration at daycare facilities. The purpose is then to investigate how the institutional… Year 2012 Author Svinth, L. Source Early Child Development and Care 2012, 1-16. Subjects Child Child perspectives Cooperation Denmark Economy Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Learning process Longitudinal study Qualitative study Social exposure Title Caring and Learning Together: exploring the relationship between parental leave and early childhood education and care. Purpose This study is a comparative study the purpose of which is to investigate the relationship between parental leave and daycare facilities in 25 European countries. Year 2012 Author Moss, P. Source European Journal of Education 47(4), 482-493. Subjects Comparative analysis Denmark Economy Kindergarten Norway Nursery OECD-country Parent/guardian Quantitative study Sweden Title Keep it in the family? Universal child care, child development and intra-household conflict. Purpose The objective of this study is to elucidate how children’s development is influenced by whether they have attended kindergarten or not, as well as to what degree poor access to… Year 2009 Author Havnes, T. Source Oslo: Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitetet i Oslo. Subjects Child Cohort study Competence Economy Kindergarten Labour market Norway Nursery Parent/guardian Participation Quantitative study Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 Next 6 items