Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 208 items. Filters: Language Title Språkkartlegging av flerspråklige barn – ekskludering i praksis? Purpose The study investigates the relationship between inclusion and the language mapping of multilingual children in kindergarten. The thesis statement is about whether, and how, the… Year 2018 Author Vik, N. E. Source Barn, 36(2):11-28 Subjects Assessment Case study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Documentation Evaluation Inclusion Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Norway Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Reporting Title Den føyelige pedagogen – kartlegging som disiplinering av pedagogisk praksis Purpose In this article, the author investigates how the language screening of multilingual children affects educators and pedagogical practice. The research question is: How are… Year 2019 Author Vik, N. E. Source Tidsskrift for nordisk barnehageforskning,18(2):1–14 Subjects Assessment Child Child carer/educaters Documentation Ethnicity Ethnographic study Evaluation Implementation Inclusion Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Norway Participation Qualitative study Title Debugging in Programming as a Multimodal Practice in Early Childhood Education Settings Purpose Formålet med studiet er at uddybe, hvordan programmering kan forstås som et nyt undervisningsområde i børnehaver, med specifikt fokus på fejlfinding som en af de faser, der er… Year 2018 Author Heikkilä, M., Mannila, L. Source Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(42):1-19. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Case study Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Children's social relationships Communication Competence Cooperation Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Language Mathematics Qualitative study Sweden Title Organizing Shared Digital Reading in Groups: Optimizing the Affordances of Text and Medium Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate the design of shared digital reading (reading groups) as a basis for critical reflection on the reading situation in an institutional… Year 2019 Author Hoel, T., Tønnessen, E. S. Source Aera Open, 5(4):1-14. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Children's social relationships Communication Dialogue Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Goal-directed activities Interaction Kindergarten Language Learning process Mixed-method Norway Qualitative study Quantitative study Reading Reading aloud Title Barns undring gjennom fortolkning og levd kropp. Hermeneutiske og fenomenologiske hendelser i barnehagen Purpose The thesis aims to develop a new understanding of children’s lifeworld and children’s formation processes in kindergarten. The thesis highlights the child’s existence as homo… Year 2018 Author Amundsen, H. M. Source Akademisk avhandling. NTNU. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Communication Competence Concept of formative development/education Dialogue Ethnographic study Friendship Hermeneutic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Norway Participation Qualitative study Wellbeing Title The concept of language in the Swedish preschool curriculum: A theoretical and empirical examination of its productions Purpose The purpose of the study is to conduct a theoretical and empirical investigation of the broadened language concept in the curriculum with the intention of understanding the… Year 2019 Author Aronsson, L. Source Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 0(0):1-26. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Didactics Document study Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Nursery Qualitative study Reading Sweden Writing Title Å få øye på det tause som blir «sagt»: En estetisk tilnærming til barns uartikulerte perspektiver Purpose The article investigates how kindergartens can facilitate minority language children who are new to Norwegian kindergarten settings and the Norwegian language, so that their… Year 2019 Author Ilje-Lien, J. Source Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, 5(1):130–146. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Action-based research Activities and routines in ECEC Attitude study Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Children's skills development Children's social relationships Communication Creativity Curriculum Didactics Equal opportunities Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Municipal and state control Norway Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Values Title Does mixing age groups in early childhood education settings support children's language development? Purpose The aim of the study is to investigate and strengthen understanding of the effects of age distribution in kindergarten departments with regard to children’s language… Year 2019 Author Justice, L. M., Logan, J. A., Purtell, K., Bleses, D., Højen, A. Source Applied Developmental Science, 23(3):214-226. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Child Children's skills development Children's social relationships Cohort study Communication Denmark Design and layout of the physical environment Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Learning process Municipal and state control Nursery Physical Environment Policy Quantitative study Title The matter of silence in early childhood bilingual education Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate how three different ways of reading children’s silence require different understandings of time and language, and the way in which… Year 2018 Author Martín-Bylund, A. Source Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(4):349-358 Subjects Attitude study Child Child perspectives Communication Dialogue Didactics Ethnicity Ethnographic study Food and meals Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Multilingualism Qualitative study Sweden Title Initiativ og responsmønstre i boklesingsdialoger mellom barnehagelærer og barn med minoritetsspråklig bakgrunn Purpose The study investigates the dynamics of dialogues between kindergarten teachers and children with minority language backgrounds in two book reading situations. The study focuses… Year 2018 Author Karlsen, J., Røe-Indregård, H., Wold, A.H., Lykkenborg, M., Hagtvet, B Source NOA: norsk som andrespråk, (1-2):66-92. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Child Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Co-decision making Communication Democracy Dialogue Equal opportunities Inclusion Kindergarten Language Learning process Mixed-method Multilingualism Norway Participation Social exposure Previous 10 items 1 ... 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Next 10 items