Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 208 items. Filters: Language Title Å skape rom for flerspråklighet: En studie av diskursive vilkår for barnehagens språklige praksis med flerspråklige barn Purpose The study investigates discursive conditions for kindergarten teachers’ linguistic practices with multilingual children. The purpose of the study is to gain greater insight… Year 2018 Author Pesch, A. M. Source Universitetet i Tromsø Subjects Case study Child carer/educaters Communication Dialogue Didactics Discourse analysis Document study Ethnographic study Inclusion Interpersonal relation Language Multilingualism Narrative analysis Norway OECD-country Parent/guardian Professional ethics (early childhood teacher) Qualitative study Title Bilingual preschool children’s second-language vocabulary development: The role of first-language vocabulary skills and second-language talk input Purpose The study investigates whether bilingual children who have a well-developed mother tongue benefit more from the language environment in kindergarten when developing Norwegian… Year 2018 Author Grøver, V., Lawrence, J., Rydland, V. Source International Journal of Bilingualism, 22(2):234-250. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Children's skills development Communication Dialogue Didactics Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Language Longitudinal study Morning assembly Multilingualism Norway Play Quantitative study Title A Descriptive Study of Early Childhood Education Steering Documents in Finland, Sweden and Australia around Language Immersion Programmes Purpose The study analyses and compares what steering documents state about kindergarten language teaching in Sweden, Finland and Australia. The aim is to provide a descriptive summary… Year 2018 Author Garvis, S., Harj-Luukkainen, H., Flynn, T. Source Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 12(3):1-22. Subjects Administration Document study Language Multilingualism OECD-country Policy Qualitative study Sweden Title Barns och lärares aktiviteter med datorplattor och appar i förskolan Purpose The purpose is to investigate how kindergarten children and teachers interact with tablets and apps, and to contribute to a critical discussion about the role of digital… Year 2018 Author Nilsen M. Source Göteborgs universitet Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Child Child carer/educaters Childminder Communication Competence Didactics Digital tools Digitalisation Kindergarten Language Learning process Nursery Sweden Title ’Kan man köra en skottkärra med fyrkantigt hjul?’ Läs- och skrivutvecklande praktiker i teknikundervisning i förskoleklass Purpose The purpose of the study is to develop knowledge about reading and writing development practices in technology teaching in a pre-school class. The study is based on the… Year 2019 Author Alatalo, T., Johansson, A. M. Subjects Activities and routines in ECEC Case study Child carer/educaters Competence Didactics Language Learning process Qualitative study Reading Sweden Writing Title Barn og barnehagelærere i samtaler om estetiske spørsmålsstillinger i barnehagen Purpose The primary intention of this study is to develop knowledge about how/whether children’s reflections on aesthetic issues together with other children and adults can contribute… Year 2018 Author Alvestad, M. & Garred, R. Source Barn, 36(2):47-60. Subjects Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Cognitive competence Communication Competence Creativity Democracy Dialogue Drama Drawing Emotional Competence Identity Inclusion Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Motory activity Music Participation Play Qualitative study Social Competence Socialisation Values Wellbeing Title Play, Culture and Learning: Studies of Second-Language and Conceptual Development in Swedish Preschools Purpose The thesis has investigated how the development of a second language and conceptual understanding emerges through interactions in Swedish kindergartens. It looks at how… Year 2019 Author Samuelsson, R. Source Södertörns högskola Subjects Child Cognitive competence Dialogue Didactics Digital tools Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Learning process Multilingualism Qualitative study Title Språkliga gemenskaper och minoritetsspråkiga barn i svensk förskola Purpose The purpose of the thesis is to provide knowledge about how language communities arise and are maintained in Swedish kindergartens where children from minority language… Year 2019 Author Skaremyr, E. Source Karlstads universitet Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Cooperation Dialogue Didactics Document study Ethnicity Ethnographic study Implementation Inclusion Inequality Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Learning process Management and organisation in ECEC Multilingualism Participation Policy Qualitative study Sweden Values Title Special educational needs practices in Norwegian and Belarusian preschools Purpose The study investigates and compares the relationship between kindergarten teachers and children with language difficulties in a Norwegian and Belarusian context. The research… Year 2018 Author Hanssen, N. B. Source Akademisk avhandling. Nord universitet. Subjects Academic skills of ECEC teachers and perceptions of the profession Attitude study Care Case study Child carer/educaters Children's skills development Children's social relationships Didactics Equal opportunities Equality Interpersonal relation Language Learning process Management Management and organisation in ECEC Narrative analysis Norway Organisation Participation Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Social and special pedagogics Title Bidirectionality in self-regulation and academic skills in play-based early childhood education Purpose This article investigates the bidirectional (two-way) relationships between self-regulation, mathematics, vocabulary and phonological awareness in children during the… Year 2019 Author ten Braak, D., Størksen, I., Idsoe, T. & McClelland, M. Source Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 65:e101064 Subjects Child Cognitive competence Communication Competence Ethnographic study Kindergarten Language Learning process Longitudinal study Mathematics Norway Quantitative study Special pedagogical approaches Transitions to school Previous 10 items 1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 21 Next 10 items