Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 230 items. Filters: Communication Title An animated story created by a group of young children. Purpose The study describes and explores how different storytelling techniques and modalities (ways of communicating) contribute to the development of an animated story created by six… Year 2021 Author Undheim, M., Hoel, T. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Co-decision making Communication Creativity Dialogue Didactics Digital tools Interaction Kindergarten Norway Observational Studies Participation Qualitative study Title Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik. Purpose The study investigates how children give meaning to what they do in kindergarten. It explores how children's past experiences affect how they understand and act in… Year 2021 Author Wank, A. C. Subjects Assistant Child Child carer/educaters Child perspectives Communication Competence Didactics Ethnographic study Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Language Observational Studies Organisation Pedagogical assistant Qualitative study Sweden Title “And then it’s my turn”: Negotiating participation in tablet activities in early childhood education and care. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten children use digital tools such as tablets, and how they interact with each other when they use them. The research question is: How are… Year 2021 Author Aarsand, P., Sørenssen, I. K. Subjects Child carer/educaters Communication Didactics Digital tools Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Norway Observational Studies Participation Qualitative study Reading Writing Title Lärande för hållbar utveckling i förskolan: Kunskapsinnehåll, delaktighet och aktörskap kommunicerat i text. Purpose Focusing on the child’s opportunities to participate in activities in the daycare facility and to be heard, the purpose of this study is to examine how “education for… Year 2012 Author Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 5(2), 1-21. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Childhood vision Co-decision making Communication Dialogue Didactics Equal opportunities Health Interaction Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Manager Participation Physical Environment Policy Qualitative study Sweden Title ”Uenighet som demokratisk praksis i måltidsfellesskapet på småbarnsavdeling”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine how child carers talk about episodes in which children and adults as participants in a meal, break with and express disagreement… Year 2011 Author Grindland, B. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 4(2), 75-90. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Democracy Equality Ethnographic study Food and meals Interaction Norway Nursery Participation Qualitative study Socialisation Title “Demokratiske samtaler i barnehagen?” & ”Førskolelærernes handlinger og barns språklige deltakelse i prosjektsamtaler”. Purpose The two studies deal with democratic practices at daycare facilities, and how these can be promoted. The purpose is to examine how child carers can create conditions for… Year 2011 Authors Tholin, K.R. Jansen, T.T. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 4(2), 103-114. Jansen, T.T. & Tholin, K.R. (2011). & I: Gjems, L. & Løkken, G. (red.): ”Barns læring om språk og gjennom språk. Samtaler i barnehagen”. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. 148-175. ISBN 9788202341862 Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Democracy Dialogue Ethnographic study Kindergarten Norway Participation Qualitative study Social Competence Title ”Vi har nästan blivit för bra” – Lärares sociale representationer av förskolan som pedagogisk praktik”. Purpose The purpose of this study is, through description and analysis of child carers’ conversations about daycare centres, to contribute with knowledge about and understanding of how… Year 2011 Author Granbom, I. Source Jönköping: School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University. ISBN 978-91-628-8329-4 Subjects Attitude study Child carer/educaters Communication Competence Dialogue Kindergarten Professionalisation Qualitative study Socialisation Sweden Title Fagsamtaler i barnehagen. Purpose The purpose of the study is to examine how early childhood educators encourage children to participate actively in conversations about academic subjects. Year 2012 Authors Gjems, L. Jansen, T.T. Tholin, K.R. Source Nordisk Barnehageforskning 5(22), 1-12. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Communication Dialogue Didactics Ethnographic study Evaluation Goal-directed activities Kindergarten Norway Participation Play Qualitative study Title “Toddlers as social actors in the Swedish preschool”. Purpose The overall goal of this dissertation is to examine interaction, communication and friendships in young children’s self-initiated play. More specifically the goal of the… Year 2011 Author Engdahl, I. Source Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.Engdahl, I. (2011). “Toddler interaction during play in the Swedish preschool”. Early Child Development and Care, 181(10), 1421-1439. ISBN 978-91-7447-193-9 Subjects Child Communication Ethnographic study Friendship Interaction Interpersonal relation Nursery Play Qualitative study Social Competence Sweden Title Det önskvärda barnet: Fostran uttryckt i vardagliga kommunikationshandlingar mellan lärare och barn i förskolan. Purpose The purpose of this dissertation is to gather knowledge about how support/upbringing is expressed in the everyday communication between child and child carer at Swedish daycare… Year 2008 Author Emilson, A. Source Göteborg: Göteborgs Universitet. Subjects Case study Child Child carer/educaters Communication Interaction Nursery Participation Qualitative study Sweden Values Previous 10 items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 23 Next 10 items