Scandinavian research in early childhood education and care Edit search Relevance Alphabetically Publication year Your search returned 17 items. Filters: Physical disability Title Å oppdage barn med motoriske utfordringer i barnehagen. Purpose The study investigates how kindergarten staff detect and assess young children's need for motor development support. The research question is: What experiences do kindergarten… Year 2021 Author Benden, N. M. L. F., Söderström, S. Subjects Assessment Case study Child Child carer/educaters Health Motory activity Norway Physical activity Physical disability Qualitative study Skilled worker Title Ways to implement preschool inclusion: A multiple-case study. Purpose The study focuses on inclusion practices in kindergartens. It explores methods used for realising inclusion, how support for children with disabilities is offered, and the… Year 2021 Author Lundqvist, J. Subjects Autism Case study Child Child carer/educaters Inclusion Kindergarten Mental disability Mixed-method Nursery Observational Studies Physical disability Social and special pedagogics Sweden Title Kindergartens: inclusive spaces for all children? Purpose The study explores how children, both those with and without disabilities, create inclusive spaces in different physical places in kindergarten. The research questions are: 1)… Year 2021 Author Ytterhus, B., Åmot, I. Subjects Child Child perspectives Cross-sectional study Inclusion Kindergarten Norway Physical Environment Physical disability Qualitative study Wellbeing Title “Interaksjoner mellom de yngste barna med cochleaimplantat og andre barn i barnehagen”. Purpose The study examines how young children aged 1½-3 with a cochlear implant participate in interactions with other children at nursery school and how the cochlear implant… Year 2014 Authors Hillesøy, S. Johansson, E. Ohna, S. Source Tidsskrift for nordisk barnehageforskning, 7(4), 1-21. Subjects Child Equal opportunities Ethnographic study Interaction Norway Nursery Participation Physical disability Qualitative study Social Competence Title Inclusion of children in outdoor education. Learning in motion: Report 1. Purpose This report is part of a greater exercise programme (LIM) under the Socrates Programme, Grundtvig 1, that focuses on inclusion of children in outdoor activities. The… Year 2006 Author Brodin, J.; Lindstrand P. Source Stockholm: Lärarhögskolan. Subjects Child Mapping Mental disability Outdoor activity Outdoor activity Participation Physical Environment Physical disability Play Qualitative study Sweden Title ’Jag är ju också doktor ju’: En studie i lek och samspel mellan förskolebarn med och utan funktionshinder. Purpose The objective of the dissertation is to describe and analyse the processes of interaction and play strategies in spontaneous play in a group of children with and without a… Year 2006 Author Svedin, E. Source Stockholm: Lärarhögskolan. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Equality Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Participation Physical disability Play Qualitative study Social Competence Social exposure Socialisation Sweden Title Sårbare barn i barnehagen – betydningen av kvalitet. Purpose The study seeks to throw light on the relationship between quality at ECEC centres (barnehage) and vulnerable children, maladjusted children or children with language… Year 2015 Authors Brandlistuen, R.E. Helland, S.S. Evensen, L.A. Schjølberg, S. Tambs, K. Aase, H. Wang, M.V. Source Oslo: Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt. Subjects Child Institutionalisation Kindergarten Norway Physical disability Play Quantitative study Wellbeing Title Skjøre samspill. En deskriptiv og fortolkende studie av barn med dyp utviklingshemming og deres nærpersoner i barnehage og skole. Purpose Research focus of the study is to describe as pedagogical practice, dyadic interaction between severely mentally disabled children and their close carers at kindergarten and… Year 2009 Author Gjermestad, A. Source Stavanger: Det humanistiske fakultet, Universitetet i Stavanger. Subjects Care Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Hermeneutic study Interaction Kindergarten Mental disability Norway Phenomenological study Physical disability Qualitative study Title Utfordringer når foresatte skal medvirke på tjenestetilbudet til eget barn. Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges faced by parents when participating in cross-disciplinary teaching plan teams which are to support children with… Year 2012 Authors Tveit, A.D. Cameron, D.L. Source Nordic Studies in Education 32, 321-332. Subjects Administration Case study Child Child carer/educaters Co-decision making Cooperation with parents Curriculum Ethnographic study Interpersonal relation Kindergarten Norway Parent/guardian Physical disability Qualitative study Title ”Exploring Letters in a Bimodal, Bilingual Nursery School with Deaf and Hearing Children”. Purpose The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge about hearing-impaired/deaf children's introduction to reading and writing in a bimodal bilingual Norwegian nursery school.… Year 2014 Authors Kristoffersen, A. Simonsen, E. Source European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 22 (5), 604-620. Subjects Child Child carer/educaters Ethnographic study Interaction Kindergarten Language Learning process Manager Norway Nursery Physical disability Play Qualitative study Reading Writing 1 2 Next 7 items