Articles Articles Of routine consideration: ‘civilising’ children’s bodies via food events in Swedish and English early childhood settings Klassmärkt barndom – En etnografisk studie om social ojämlikhet i förskoleklassen Barn och vårdnadshavares minnen av deltagande i pedagogisk dokumentation Barn og barnehagelærere i samtaler om estetiske spørsmålsstillinger i barnehagen Preschool Teachers' Conceptualizations and Uses of Play Across Eight Countries Peer Effects on Aggressive Behavior in Norwegian Child Care Centers Fremtiden starter i børnehaven: Postmoderne analyser af velfærdsstatslige investeringer i det lille barns nationale dannelse Förskollärare planerar barns möten med matematik: Ett reflektivt skoldidaktiskt perspektiv Multivocal didactic modelling: Collaborative research regarding teaching and co-assessment in Swedish preschools Måltiden i förskolan - barns utrymme i kommunikation och handling Barnehagelæreres samtalestrategier og fem-seks-åringers deltakelse i utvidede samtaler Play, Culture and Learning: Studies of Second-Language and Conceptual Development in Swedish Preschools The physical indoor environment in ECEC settings: Children’s well-being and physical activity Supportive indoor environments for functional play in ECEC institutions: a strategy for promoting well-being and physical activity? The outdoor environment and children’s health: a multilevel approach 4-6 year-Old Children’s Experience of Subjective Well-Being and Social Relations in ECEC Institutions Parents’ ideal type approaches to early education pathways: life stories from Sweden Exploring the Phenomenology of Whiteness in a Swedish Preschool Class Peer interaction in preschool: Necessary, but not sufficient: The influence of social interaction on the link between behavior difficulties and engagement among children with and without need of special support Språkliga gemenskaper och minoritetsspråkiga barn i svensk förskola Previous 20 items 1 ... 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ... 89 Next 20 items
Of routine consideration: ‘civilising’ children’s bodies via food events in Swedish and English early childhood settings
Fremtiden starter i børnehaven: Postmoderne analyser af velfærdsstatslige investeringer i det lille barns nationale dannelse
Multivocal didactic modelling: Collaborative research regarding teaching and co-assessment in Swedish preschools
Play, Culture and Learning: Studies of Second-Language and Conceptual Development in Swedish Preschools
Supportive indoor environments for functional play in ECEC institutions: a strategy for promoting well-being and physical activity?
4-6 year-Old Children’s Experience of Subjective Well-Being and Social Relations in ECEC Institutions
Peer interaction in preschool: Necessary, but not sufficient: The influence of social interaction on the link between behavior difficulties and engagement among children with and without need of special support