Articles Articles Veje til udvikling af praksis. Erfaringer med at sætte fokus på videnkultur i dagtilbud og på skoler. “The Making of the Ordinary Child in Preschool”. Action with friction: a transactional approach to toddlers' physical meaning making of natural phenomena and processes in preschool. A Cross-Cultural Study of Preschool Quality in South Korea and Sweden: ECERS Evaluations. “Cautionary tales on interrupting children’s play: a study from Sweden”. Menn i barnehagen: muligheter og begrensninger. Finmark: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for pedagogiske og humanistiske fag. Establishing Quality in Preschool Language and Literacy Environments. Ledelsesspænd på daginstitutionsområdet. Mænd og daginstitutionsarbejdets modernisering. Pædagogik og etnicitet – dialogisk pædagogik i et multikulturelt samfund. Early childhood educators’ perspectives of the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschool and Quality Work. Från små människor till lärande individer: Föreställningar om barn och barndom i förskoleprogram 1970-2000. ”Early Childhood Education and care practitioners’ perception of children’s risky play; examining the influence of personality and gender". Caring and Learning Together: exploring the relationship between parental leave and early childhood education and care. Pedagogers möte med bilderböcker i förskolan. Lek och skolämnen i en ny lärarroll: Temaarbete med 3-9-åringar: En aktionsforskningsstudie. Förskolan, barnen och framtiden. Improvisation – om pædagogens møde med barnet i æstetiske processer. Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Learning in the Early Years of Education. ”Children’s meaning making of nature in an outdoor-oriented and democratic Swedish preschool practice”. Previous 20 items 1 ... 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ... 69 Next 20 items
Veje til udvikling af praksis. Erfaringer med at sætte fokus på videnkultur i dagtilbud og på skoler.
Action with friction: a transactional approach to toddlers' physical meaning making of natural phenomena and processes in preschool.
Menn i barnehagen: muligheter og begrensninger. Finmark: Høgskolen i Finnmark, Avdeling for pedagogiske og humanistiske fag.
Early childhood educators’ perspectives of the Swedish National Curriculum for Preschool and Quality Work.
Från små människor till lärande individer: Föreställningar om barn och barndom i förskoleprogram 1970-2000.
”Early Childhood Education and care practitioners’ perception of children’s risky play; examining the influence of personality and gender".
Caring and Learning Together: exploring the relationship between parental leave and early childhood education and care.
”Children’s meaning making of nature in an outdoor-oriented and democratic Swedish preschool practice”.