Articles Articles De yngste barnas nonverbale sosiale handlingsreportoar: slik det utvikler seg og kommer til uttrykk i norske barnehager Capturing and Developing Early Childhood Teachers’ Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through CoRes Bekymringsbarn blir til: En institusjonell etnografi av tidlig innsats som styringsrasjonal i barnehagen Fler bråk i matematikundervisningen: En aktionsforskningsstudie där lärare lär om progression Små børns fællesskabelse i en flertydig vuggestuepraksis Barnehagestyreres opplevelser av forholdet til skolen i spørsmål om barns læring Tracing Curiosity with a Value Perspective Introduction to preschool: strategies for managing the gap between home and preschool Treåringar, kameror och förskola – en serie diffraktiva rörelser Allegiance and knowledge levels of professionals working with early intensive behavioural intervention in autism Learning in Preschool: Teachers' Talk about Their Work with Documentation in Swedish Preschools What Are the Characteristics of Nature Preschools in Norway, and How Do They Organize Their Daily Activities? The social construction of the competent, self-governed child in documentation: Panels in the Swedish preschool Jeg er en sånn hverdagspedagog! Barnehagestyreres profesjonelle handlingsrom for å styrke barnehagelæreres anvendelse av fagspråk Identifying and characterizing risky play in the age one-to-three years Day care as an integrational arena and inclusive environment: Newcomer Migrant Girls’ Sociocultural Transitions and Negotiations of Identity, Home and Belonging Does Professional Development of Preschool Teachers Improve Children’s Socio-Emotional Outcomes? Leadership for learning in the preschool: preschool managers’ perspectives on strategies and actions in the systematic quality work ”Please do not disturb”: Om at opretholde og skærme nærværende dialoger mellem børn og pædagoger i børnehaver Organisationsmodell för teamlärande – Tema: Fler män i förskolan Previous 20 items 1 ... 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ... 69 Next 20 items
De yngste barnas nonverbale sosiale handlingsreportoar: slik det utvikler seg og kommer til uttrykk i norske barnehager
Capturing and Developing Early Childhood Teachers’ Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through CoRes
Bekymringsbarn blir til: En institusjonell etnografi av tidlig innsats som styringsrasjonal i barnehagen
Allegiance and knowledge levels of professionals working with early intensive behavioural intervention in autism
What Are the Characteristics of Nature Preschools in Norway, and How Do They Organize Their Daily Activities?
The social construction of the competent, self-governed child in documentation: Panels in the Swedish preschool
Jeg er en sånn hverdagspedagog! Barnehagestyreres profesjonelle handlingsrom for å styrke barnehagelæreres anvendelse av fagspråk
Day care as an integrational arena and inclusive environment: Newcomer Migrant Girls’ Sociocultural Transitions and Negotiations of Identity, Home and Belonging
Leadership for learning in the preschool: preschool managers’ perspectives on strategies and actions in the systematic quality work
”Please do not disturb”: Om at opretholde og skærme nærværende dialoger mellem børn og pædagoger i børnehaver