Articles Articles Physical activity in light of affordances in outdoor environments: qualitative observation studies of 3-5 years olds in kindergarten Events of potential learning: how preschoolers produce curriculum at the computer during free play periods "Drawing the leaves anyway": Teachers embracing children's different ways of knowing in preschool science practice ”De va svinhögt typ 250 kilo”- Förskolebarns mätande av längd, volym och tid i legoleken. Licentiatavhandling Transition Between Swedish Preschool and Preschool Class: A Question About Interweaving Care and Knowledge The Educational Positioning of the Preschool-Class at the Border between Social Education and Academic Demands: An Issue of Continuity in Swedish Early Education? Naturmöten och källsortering – En kvantitativ studie om lärande för hållbar utveckling i förskolan Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys The contribution of different patterns of teachers’ interactions to young children’s experiences of democratic values during play Technology education in preschool: providing opportunities for children to use artifacts and to create På mandager er det ikke lov med papirfly – en studie av regler og yrkesutøvelse Leiing av læring i barnehagen – nasjonale retningsliner og lokale fortolkingar ”I think it should be a little kind of exciting”: A technology-mediated story-making activity in early childhood education Food as a tool for learning in everyday activities at preschool: an exploratory study from Sweden Children’s Experience of Activities and Participation and their Subjective Well-Being in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care Institutions “We Don't Allow Children to Climb Trees”: How a Focus on Safety Affects Norwegian Children's Play in Early-Childhood Education and Care Settings Swedish preschool teachers’ ideas of the ideal preschool group Bridging the Research to Practice Gap: A Case Study Approach to Understanding EIBI Supports and Barriers in Swedish Preschools Improving the General Language Skills of Second-Language Learners in Kindergarten: A Randomized Controlled Trial Central skills in toddlers’ and pre-schoolers’ mathematical development, observed in play and everyday activities Previous 20 items 1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ... 69 Next 20 items
Physical activity in light of affordances in outdoor environments: qualitative observation studies of 3-5 years olds in kindergarten
Events of potential learning: how preschoolers produce curriculum at the computer during free play periods
"Drawing the leaves anyway": Teachers embracing children's different ways of knowing in preschool science practice
”De va svinhögt typ 250 kilo”- Förskolebarns mätande av längd, volym och tid i legoleken. Licentiatavhandling
Transition Between Swedish Preschool and Preschool Class: A Question About Interweaving Care and Knowledge
The Educational Positioning of the Preschool-Class at the Border between Social Education and Academic Demands: An Issue of Continuity in Swedish Early Education?
Time in Early Childhood Education and Care and language competence in Norwegian four-year-old girls and boys
The contribution of different patterns of teachers’ interactions to young children’s experiences of democratic values during play
Technology education in preschool: providing opportunities for children to use artifacts and to create
”I think it should be a little kind of exciting”: A technology-mediated story-making activity in early childhood education
Children’s Experience of Activities and Participation and their Subjective Well-Being in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care Institutions
“We Don't Allow Children to Climb Trees”: How a Focus on Safety Affects Norwegian Children's Play in Early-Childhood Education and Care Settings
Bridging the Research to Practice Gap: A Case Study Approach to Understanding EIBI Supports and Barriers in Swedish Preschools
Improving the General Language Skills of Second-Language Learners in Kindergarten: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Central skills in toddlers’ and pre-schoolers’ mathematical development, observed in play and everyday activities