Articles Articles Different transitions: Timetable failures in the transition to school Reassuringly low carriage of enteropathogens among healthy Swedish children in day care centres Pædagogens rolle og betydning for trivsel i børnehaven: Børneinformerede perspektiver på professionelle voksne Individual and collective rights expressed in educator and child interactions in Nordic preschools Det motsägelsefulla bedömningsuppdraget: En etnografisk studie om bedömning i förskolekontext Conflicts and resistance: Potentials for democracy learning in preschool Immediate and Delayed Effects of Invented Writing Intervention in Preschool ’Happy when they arrive, happy when they go home’ – focusing on promoting children’s mental health creates a sense of trust at preschools Special Needs Education in Light of the Inclusion Principle: An Exploratory Study of Special Needs Education Practice in Belarusian and Norwegian Preschools Bilingual Preschool Children’s Second-Language Vocabulary Development: The Role of First-language Vocabulary Skills and Second-language Talk Input Strategisk ledelse av barnehagen som læringsarena Styrernes profesjonelle identitet Gender Beliefs and Embedded Gendered Values in Preschool An examination of parents’ and preshool workers’ perspectives on bullying in preschool Små, store eller måske rettere mellemstore organisationer? En undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem ledelsesspænd, ledelsesidentitet og brugen af transformationsledelse i danske daginstitutioner Adult Monolingual Policy Becomes Children's Bilingual Practice: Code-Alternation among Children and Staff in an English-Medium Preschool in Sweden. Young children exploring probability – with focus on their documentations Berättelser som redskap för att föra och följa resonemang Teachers' pedagogical mathematical awareness in diverse child-age-groups Teachers’ Pedagogical Mathematical Awareness in Swedish Early Childhood Education Previous 20 items 1 ... 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ... 69 Next 20 items
Pædagogens rolle og betydning for trivsel i børnehaven: Børneinformerede perspektiver på professionelle voksne
’Happy when they arrive, happy when they go home’ – focusing on promoting children’s mental health creates a sense of trust at preschools
Special Needs Education in Light of the Inclusion Principle: An Exploratory Study of Special Needs Education Practice in Belarusian and Norwegian Preschools
Bilingual Preschool Children’s Second-Language Vocabulary Development: The Role of First-language Vocabulary Skills and Second-language Talk Input
Små, store eller måske rettere mellemstore organisationer? En undersøgelse af sammenhængen mellem ledelsesspænd, ledelsesidentitet og brugen af transformationsledelse i danske daginstitutioner
Adult Monolingual Policy Becomes Children's Bilingual Practice: Code-Alternation among Children and Staff in an English-Medium Preschool in Sweden.