Articles Articles Early childhood mathematics: a case study. Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP): a cultural validation and investigation of its perceived usefulness in the context of the Swedish preschool. Same origin, different implementations: a document analysis of Norwegian and Danish bereavement response plans. Minding the gap: Dilemmas in a didactic and pragmatically informed teaching approach in preschool. Digital technology and the subjects of literacy and mathematics in the preschool atelier. Visual research material and diffractive readings–a relational research story. What is the capacity of A in the contexts of STEM? Vulnerability and adaptation to heat waves in preschools: Experiences, impacts and responses by unit heads, educators and parents. Kjærlig kamp. En analyse og drøfting av barnehagelæreres dømmekraft i situasjoner med verdimotsetninger mellom foreldre og ansatte i barnehager med religiøst mangfold. Preschool children’s mathematical arguments in play-based activities. Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool. Teacher–child interaction in a goal-oriented preschool context: A micro-analytical study. Evolving and re-mediated activities when preschool children play analogue and digital Memory games. Pedagogical intentions or practical considerations when facilitating children's play? Teachers’ beliefs about the availability of play materials in the indoor ECEC environment. Toddlers’ stress during transition to childcare. Lessons learned from Norway on risky play in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC). Children’s use of environmental features affording risky play in early childhood education and care. Parental reasoning on choosing the mobile preschool: Enabling sustainable development or adjusting to a neoliberal society? När barn blir till belastning och problem i förskola: Om behov av särskilt stöd och resurser i ett pressat läge. Sound quality characteristics of importance for preschool children’s perception and wellbeing after an acoustic intervention. Previous 20 items 1 ... 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Next 20 items
Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP): a cultural validation and investigation of its perceived usefulness in the context of the Swedish preschool.
Same origin, different implementations: a document analysis of Norwegian and Danish bereavement response plans.
Vulnerability and adaptation to heat waves in preschools: Experiences, impacts and responses by unit heads, educators and parents.
Kjærlig kamp. En analyse og drøfting av barnehagelæreres dømmekraft i situasjoner med verdimotsetninger mellom foreldre og ansatte i barnehager med religiøst mangfold.
Effective mathematical communication in play-based activities: a case study of a Norwegian preschool.
Pedagogical intentions or practical considerations when facilitating children's play? Teachers’ beliefs about the availability of play materials in the indoor ECEC environment.
Parental reasoning on choosing the mobile preschool: Enabling sustainable development or adjusting to a neoliberal society?
När barn blir till belastning och problem i förskola: Om behov av särskilt stöd och resurser i ett pressat läge.
Sound quality characteristics of importance for preschool children’s perception and wellbeing after an acoustic intervention.