Surveying Preschool Teachers' Use of Digital Tablets: General and Technology Education Related Findings

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Otterborn, A., Schönborn, K. & Hultén M.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(4):717-737


The purpose is to assess how tablets are used in general kindergarten teaching and specifically in technological teaching initiatives. The study investigates the prevalence, characteristics and aspects of digital tablets that teachers use in Swedish kindergartens, focusing on technology. The authors want to contribute to more knowledge about how digital tablets are used to support kindergarten children’s learning in general and in relation to technology-related teaching in particular.

The study is based on the following research questions (1) What type of pedagogical activities involving digital tablets do teachers carry out in Swedish kindergartens? (2) What are the kindergarten teachers’ attitudes towards the pedagogical advantages and disadvantages of using digital tablets in teaching? (3) What are the kindergarten teachers’ recommendations for using digital tablets in teaching practices?


The survey results show a high degree of engagement regarding digital tablets in kindergartens, with activities aimed at several subject-related, social and general skills. Programming, innovation, construction and creation, problem solving and design were the most prominent tablet activities within technological subject areas.

Opportunities regarding meaningful learning activities and digital adaptability were seen as pedagogical benefits of using digital tablets. Increased expectations of integrating tablet activities with an accompanying lack of digital skills were expressed as limitations. The kindergarten teachers’ recommendations for the future use of tablets included defining clearer guidelines for how tablets should be used in the curriculum, and sufficient training for kindergarten teachers to acquire digital competence.


The study is based on an online survey. The survey was designed to generate information about teachers’ use of, experiences of and attitudes towards digital tablets in kindergartens, with particular focus on technology teaching. Invitations to participate in the survey were sent out to 700 kindergartens in Sweden. Links to the survey and the invitation to participate were also communicated via social media. The survey received 327 respondents who form the source data for this study. The survey consisted of questions about the demographic characteristics of the respondents and four open-ended questions about the use of digital tablets in kindergartens.


Otterborn, A., Schönborn, K. & Hultén M. (2019). "Surveying Preschool Teachers' Use of Digital Tablets: General and Technology Education Related Findings". International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(4):717-737.